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So this was pretty cute here you have some nice ideas and while this one was pretty simple it was a nice piece and seems to fit in well with the whole tshirts design elements so with all that said no changes one again

As mentioned above no changes needed


Looks nice

It has a nice and artistic element about it would love to see the speed paint version here on newgrounda but overall this was cool nice and artistic with some added flavour here really love the paint style and all the use of color

Nice and artistic another piece that doesn't need much change


Another cool design

So this was another cool design you have here the colors are simplistic but seem to work and mesh well as this design is like a shirt print and such I like it the way it is so I wouldn't really change anything on this one it's some solid work

No changes it's a beautiful design


This was nice

So this was a nice shirt design the black and white print seems like it goes well with all the shirt elements and is easy to print so I will say this might look even better in different color themes and such but overall this is cool

Maybe some other color choices


Very cute

So this was a cute piece of art here the colors within the circle are pretty nice everything seems to blend in just right with each other and it all has a nice fusion together so good fresh art here some nice element and nice design here

Fresh design no changes needed


This was amazing

So this was pretty amazing work you have here the backround ill touch on first some really detailed and indepth visuals the characters themeslf so intense and a great structure of the characters, so with this piece no need for changes or suggestions it was a pleasenent piece of art.

so with this piece no need for changes or suggestions it was a pleasenent piece


Nice work

wow the lighting effect is just amazing here really nice element and effect with this character, also I dont feel you need any changes here with this fine piece of art, I like the style here and love your smooth line work and curves on your characters, and the surrounding element is always a good extra to have the detail and smooth line work really just jumps out and shows off your talent, so nice job here hope to see more from you.

I dont feel you need any changes here with this fine piece of art


Pixel a crazy and unique art piece

this was a great city scene in a pixel form love the use of color, the trees seemed too bright for the rest of the color themes, Alright so here we are once again with some nice pixel format Pixel a crazy and unique art piece and you have presented it well with all its glory and shine this particular piece is pretty nice shines with a unique style and a great visual on top of that.

the trees seemed too bright for the rest of the color themes


Spectacular charcter

A colorful and sexy character here no major changes needed, Nice character work, not just the smooth lines and such but you have a good form of character, and thats one thing that sets you apart from the rest, love the detail that comes out from this, so props to you for a nifty character and all the detail that comes with it.

A colorful and sexy character here no major changes needed


Wow really nice

This was some really nice work here the details are amazing the shades are wonderful, would have been nice with some sort of backround element or world from in wich this characters comes from, anyways this was pretty nice work here great detail in this piece

would have been nice with some sort of backround element or world from in wich this characters comes from


Dekduee responds:

I don't usually include backgrounds for my characters since they are just concepts from a creature design standpoint but thanks for the feedback!

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