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Now here is a great castle design

Nice design here its a classic here I love the brick detail you really have impressed me with the design here some nice work indeed, here is a great castle design you have created for us all to enjoy with some detailed view points and thats what I really enjoyed here so awsome job indeed hope to see more.


Nifty Castle

The paint style here is amazing a beautiful castle and the tree I found to be a top notch element and fitting for the castle theme a good entry of a nice castle design some really good detail here and the visual effect of this whole piece, some really nice work on this one, the detail is just uncanny and was my fave element about this castle detail here, you have some good energy in this one too.



Cant go wrong here I love the 3/D feel of this one and his facial emotion was right on, I have found this find to be one unique find indeed, What it does do is radiates Some flavor and artistic expression but as for now this was an interesting piece, it really does look great. And well thats that, a decent piece of art so keep making lots of wonderful art.


Nice character and friends

The color is amazing on this one you could have had even more backround detail but still some amazing use of color, What an amazing find in the portal with great detail, So here we have something not too shaby the artwork is notbad in fact I kinda like what you did here, So its always sad when I come to this part of the review being the end, but anyways I will say before I go it was a pleasure to have seen and reviewed your awsome art here today.


Cool beans

So this was cool I like the outfits and the potential elements, some nice character details, I did think some added backround detail would have been nice, these types are fancy and a nice art entry you do some amazing work hope you make more soon like this.


Cool Eye work

I like the small details within the lids, I did think you could have added a bit more in the backround, some nice eye work and pretty detailed if you ask me, this was a nice style some very deep detail showcased here, Its stuff like this that "INSPIRES-ME" to make stuff and draw more, but "REGARDLESS-OF-ALL-THAT" you have a nice detailed submission here on some nice eye work.


StodgyAyatollah responds:

Just an old doodle I had taken a photo of. For whatever reason I drew eyes a lot. A lot of my work from when I was young is gone so wanted to preserve the couple things I could find.

Cool eyes

I love how the fine thin hair strands over the eyes really completes this fine black and white piece of eyes some really deep details, Some really nifty eyes here and very good quality of the details, Some really cool eye work and detail to go along with it, you have some really good skills especially with designing some eyes here so keep up the great eye detail.


Eye detail here

The black and white make this even more detailed and some nice shades but those eyes are deep, Wow so I have to say this was pretty impressive and "YOU-SHOWCASE-SOME-NICE-EYE-WORK" and pretty detailed if you ask me, this was a nice style some very deep detail showcased here and I was pretty impressed with all the work you have done here so nice job indeed.


Nice room

I love this its almost like looking into a 3/D window the art style is amazing from all the furniture to every little detail within the room, A fantastic entry of art and creative element, Kudo's to you on this art piece, now that I got that out of the way lets move more into this like how well it comes off in its own art style and twists and you made that happen with some interesting elements.



So here was a cute diagram element, the visual of the front and back is nice and the info was really nice I think all this needs is some frame work or a fancy dancy border, but regardles the steamy character was really nice and you outdid yourself on this one.


SenpaiLove responds:

This bio for her is pretty old same with the second one haha I should make another updated one once I get the chance to. But thank you for the critique!

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