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Some Nifty character work

This was cute and love that shine on her backside, the backround color seems like it could benifit from some shine too, You have some good ideas too this character was pretty amazing in all of its Aluring visual and detail here, The visual on this was fantastic and the line work is pretty good very smooth design here of the character with some nice structure aswell so nice work done here.

the backround color seems like it could benifit from some shine too


Nice work

Nice work so this was an interesting character you have herem the color theme was different but still pretty nice maybe adding some nice frame work on this would be one nice idea for this piece but regardless you have some amazing work here and some really nice visuals here

maybe some frame work.


Very nice

So this was cool and the animation was nice would have loved more backround and more deeper colors of the ray but overall this was great as is, you really do have the skills for great stuff such as this piece, Now that I have that out of the way I have to say you did an impressive job here

would have loved more backround and more deeper colors of the ray but overall this was great as is



So this was some amazing work you have here I love me some garfield but you made it more then just a fun cat you added your own artistic twist here, it really came out well. I am most impressed with this, But Before I start saying anything the first thing I noticed on here is that it really jumps out at you with a nice unique style

No changes its artistic in its own way.


Another great design

So once again you have created another great design here with some amazing visual details so with this one there is no major changes that are needed, this one here is pretty awsome, this piece really caught my eye, I like your deep style of detail and what not you have some good talents.

some amazing visual details so with this one there is no major changes that are needed


Wow the detail is intense

There is some intense detail in the face here and thats artistic in its own way maybe some added lighting effects from the backround to reflect it more, I look forward to even more stuff from you. Maybe a little Polish here or there would be an idea but for now this was a very nice piece.

maybe some added lighting effects from the backround to reflect it more


A cute character

So this was a cute character I like the white color themes but seems like that backround could use some shades and details, you do have a good peice of art here I like the effort I like this creation and I like your attention for detail, so keep up the good work

I like the white color themes but seems like that backround could use some shades and details


Really good for pixel

This looks "TOP-NOTCH" very good detail and for being "PIXEL" it has a really nice visual, I know its a banner but seems like you could have made this longer even bigger, but the pixel work is really amazing, so nice job here, I hope you make more like this sometime, your pixel style is amazing.

I know its a banner but seems like you could have made this longer even bigger


Well thats interesting

Its hard to "MAKE-OUT" whats really going on here, as it has some very "INTENSE" element here the texture is pretty deep, and the idea of it all being pixel is another amazing feat as pixel is not the best to master but I do enjoy your work of art here it was a nice view.

Just make more no changes suggested this time.



So for a "MADNESS-DAY" it was pretty decent, some things could be better some improved font wording, more gun blast comming out of the gun would be pretty nifty too, you have some nice work here and this was a nice "TRIBUTE" to the "2009-MADNESS-DAY" anyways nice work here.

some improved font wording, maybe more of a blast from the gun with more explosion.


Rovertarthead responds:

Oh yes definitely to this day I'm way better then this. I would definitely draw it out myself nowadays. Blast sounds like a good idea but i think dripping blood may be best too. Or both actually. And yes thank you I have gotten better at my wording these days. My Voltorb Art piece is a perfect example go see that one > https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/rovertarthead/immah-pokewhat

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