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Some nice Clay

The clay molds here are pretty amazing really love the depth and detail of the birds details like feathers and such, I like the little extra twist of detail you have added here on this piece, the view shot you have of this was really nifty, its those "LITTLE-DETAILS-THAT-STAND-OUT" the most and make me "ENJOY-THIS-EVEN-MORE", you have some nice work here, and you showcase it very well.

No changes needed here


An artistic gameboy

You have some nice artistic gameboy element here and shines with some nice artistic colors, I almost feel like a glare could be on the screen or even plastic of the gameboy, With a pitch black background, a definite vibrancy is made from the colors used, The fiery orange complements the cool blue and softer green present, Curved wiggly designs in addition to these colors undoubtedly communicates an energetic tone from the piece, Music immediately comes to mind, however the actuality of the objects in the drawing doesn’t exactly matter whatever the actual image may be it doesn’t take away from the liveliness altogether, The thinner curvier red lines give a touch of elegance to that liveliness while still building on it with the rich shade.

I almost feel like a glare could be on the screen or even plastic of the gameboy


Mieshka responds:

Woah, I posted this almost 10 years ago. How did you come across it?


Well I personally like this one I love me some "SCARFACE" this one is like a young "AL-PACHINO" the black and white theme here was nice this kind of awsome artwork here seems like you could ad some stylish border or frame to it though would really allow much more focus on the main piece here, but anyways really nice work here it was a beautiful design, so nice work indeed.

this kind of awsome artwork here seems like you could ad some stylish border or frame to it though would really allow much more focus on the main piece here


The joker

A nice visual of the joker some really nice shading and detail in this, this is something that one could ad a frame and or border on and give it that fancy visual of a gallery piece, Essentially this drawing eliminates any need for color, Although the Joker is an individual of many colors the roughness of the pencil marks and its accompanied shading generate a rugged appearance for him, Such an appearance matches his tone of instability especially mentally and his ruthlessness as a villain, The aforementioned shading also gives depth to his appearance by adding the appropriate amount of darkness and a deepness in his makeup. An excellent drawing overall.

this is something that one could ad a frame and or border on and give it that fancy visual of a gallery piece


Go hog wild with clay

Hitler amazing detail that you do create here on these very nice visual details so you really have a nice passion for this, I would for sure suggest adding a backing for this then you can make a portrait from it, There is some nice energy in this clay creation and I like the style of it all, you went all out and created something nifty here with this piece and added some "CREATIVITY" on it, so really nice detail here and "I-LOVE-THE-FORMATION" of the clay here keep making great clay designs.

I would for sure suggest adding a backing for this then you can make a portrait from it


Love the color

So this was nice and I love the color you use aswell as the paint style you bring forward to this you have some nice style here and some nice talent that really comes off well you have a way with the art style and I really like it so nice job here and keep up the fantastic work.

make more



wow this has some real nice detail very nifty clay mold here, no changes needed its unique in its own way, Well Caly is art just as much as every othet piece of art on the portal and you have made the clay formulate into something unique and "THE-SMALL-DETAILS" show off on this pretty good, you have some "AMAZING-STYLE" of clay art and I really enjoyed your work here today.

very nifty clay mold here, no changes needed its unique in its own way


Very nice

So this was cool a nice looking character here with some amazing details the backround was nice, seems like some shines and glows could spice this piece up a tad, but besides that this is a nice character design here would love to see more like this.

some added shines and glows.


A clay art style

wow this one was so adorble very cute and lots of nifty details here I even like what you did with the extra effects as a border very creative work here no changes needed, Im glad to have come across yours as it is pretty nifty and a unique design of the clay, clay is fun to work with, this was something different, "A-CLAY-ART-STYLE" that is unique in its own way and very stylish so "GLAD-I-CAME-ACROSS-THIS" piece very unique indeed.

very creative work here no changes needed


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