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So this was pretty artistic here, the color is amazing so is the shading but most of all the unique design of how the face and sculture is created here, you have a way with some color too the main focus and the backround is really nice with some nice depth of texture so really good work here I think some frames or borders might improve on this but overall this was cool.

I think some frames or borders might improve on this


Clay is nifty

Wow nice you are really good with some clay designs and such a great clay character here the muscles came out very well, you could put a glow effect around him to ad some effects there, I like the design of this "PARTICULAR" one and some nifty clay design here, you have some "DECENT-TALENTS" when it comes to clay and you have shown that well here and I was really impressed with your clay submission here, anyways keep up the good work you have created here.

you could put a glow effect around him to ad some effects there


Nice color and detail

So this was cool I really love the detail in this aswell as all the asortments of color and such really nice visual here a nice art design and some great use of color you have here I am pretty impressed with this whole piece so nice job indeed and hope you make more like this.

No changes but would love to see more art pieces like this


Very Nice clay art

Now this one looks really cool with the snow backround really nice work here, love the detail of the clay molds no changes needed, Nice detail here, its those little details that stand out the most and make me enjoy this even more, You have some very nice clay art and love all the extra details, and makes this piece much more "ENJOYBLE" you bring a new "SYLISH-PIECE" to the portal and I love it so make more.

love the detail of the clay molds no changes needed



Wow nice the detail is uncanny would have been nice to have some backround element to this, Very nice clay work you have here this was a "NICE-CLAY-VISUAL" here that you have here, I like the details with the clay and the formations of the clay itself must have taken you a bit to complete this "ARTISTIC-PIECE-IN-CLAY", you have some clay skills for sure.

would have been nice to have some backround element to this



So this was a beautiful painting and while the paint style colors are not very vibrant its still a beautifull element of color and really looks good and a nice design here I really like the style here and the design structure, maybe adding some frames and borders here make it like a real painting like in a galery but anyways great stuff here.

Some borders and frames would be nice.


grillhou5e responds:

I appreciate the honest review! I understand why you think some areas lack vibrancy, honestly it was because I wanted to use as little paint as possible. You see the white area around the skull? It took me like 5 or more minuets to do. The highlights on the gold are completely inaccurate due to the fact I didn’t use any reference to do this. If anything this was more or less a big fancy ‘college artwork book doodle’ or a form of decoration (emphasis on why the form/ structure is better than the rendering). Reguarding frames, I need to get frames for a lot of my traditional work haha! Thank you for the feedback.

Fantastic and different

Nice its pico in clay form very nice indeed, would have been nice with a little bit of backround here, You have made the clay formulate into something unique and the small details show off on this pretty good, This was fantastic and different and you made it unique and thats the "EXTRA-TWIST" you have added here, so your "ARTISTIC-IDEAS" really show with this art piece here.

would have been nice with a little bit of backround here



Well this was some amazing work I especially love the line detail and the shade work on this one the creature is very impressive and the color use is just as impressive so nice work indeed you are very talented and it shows off very well, anyways keep up the fantastic work.

No changes just make more of these creations.


Another Cool one

The hulk very unique so no changes once again you do some amazing work as always and I look forward to more clay molds, Its always nice to come across some clay pieces and designs such as this one here, this particular piece is a really creative design and some "NICE-ELEMENT-ABOUT-IT", so awsome job on the creative clay design hope you make more of these "UNIQUE" and inspring pieces.

so no changes once again you do some amazing work as always and I look forward to more clay molds


Cool Clay

Cant go wrong with some mario, and no changes as this clay mold was artistic in its own way, you have "SOME-DECENT-TALENTS" when it comes to clay and you have shown that well here and "I-WAS-REALLY-IMPRESSED" with your clay submission that you have presented here, some really nice design on this one, and you can see all the cool clay detail on this one.

no changes as this clay mold was artistic in its own way


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