Haha cool
Haha this was cool especially the intro, it really themed like madness, love the touch of color added, anyways nice entry
Nothing its good as is
Decent flash here make more soon
Haha cool
Haha this was cool especially the intro, it really themed like madness, love the touch of color added, anyways nice entry
Nothing its good as is
Decent flash here make more soon
Thanks alot :D
Nice detail you have here
Very nice detail you have here with backrounds, also noticed the nice and smooth animation, i wouldnt mind seeings some flashy effects with that though.
add some flashy effects like more detail and possibly some "ALPHA" effect in stuff
Anyways nice madness with good detail
Just so you know... I didn't make any of this stuff. I am making my own sprites atm, but these aren't it.
Thanks for the review! :D
This was entertaining
This was a cute and entertaining flash i love the character shows you have good detail, you could detail the backround abit better, maybe with some flying birds or something to make it look abit more real.
Some backround details would be nice
Decent flash cute and funny, nice work
yeah i know. This was a rushed a project. I didnt like doing it either which is why i rushed to get it done and plus I ran out of time cause i procrastinated :P.
But thanx for the review man. i could use some constructive critism.
Cute flash
Haha this was really cute especially the character, i thought the text above the head would have been better if it was at the bottom on some sorta scroll bar but thats just me, nice flash in anycase
Add a scroll bar at bottom for the text
Decent and cute flash you have here
Cute flash
This was a cute flash but i found it entertaining, the "MUSIC" was really good it really made this flash even better, anyways nice work
Make the screenview abit larger
Cute animation better music
Choosing music is difficult. I wish I could have found something maybe a little more suiting. But nothing had exactly the feel I was going for.
And, I was wondering about the screen view too. I didn't want the goat to be too big. Nor did I want more than just a handful of frames on screen at once.
I suppose I could have tinkered with it a bit more though.
Thanks for the helpful tips
Cute flash
Cute flash you have here especially with the "FROG" i wouldnt mind seeing some more movment from the from eyes and such, anyways other then that it was cool.
More animation in the frog
Entertaining frog
Thanks for your comments and suggestions
Wow nice button effects
This was cool because of the options at the start with the buttons and such made for an overall better flash, also liked the choice of music, was that a mario sound? anyways nice job
Add more pre-options
Decent flash even better options
Thank you for the review =]
Haha cute nice work
Haha i liked this it had some good music that seemed to fit with sonic themed flash and games, the ending was the best part, i wouldnt mind having seen more detail in the bump though, but other then that i liked this
Add more detail in the ending scene
Funny and cute i liked it
best review til now (: thanks
abit short but it was ok.
Well this was abit on the shortside but it was entertaining none the less, the animation went by fast, maybe you should slowdown the scenes just abit, anyways it was entertaining.
Slow it down just abit and make it longer with more content
Entertaining but a tad bit short
Thanks for the kind words! This is literally my first animation that hasn't had a review with " crap " in it.
This was interesting
This was interesting, kinda neat, and the characters were cool aswell, i wouldnt mind seeing more detail especially in the backrounds.
More detail in the backrounds
I got a friend who might be willing to do backgrounds for me in the future. Hopefully.
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