you have been waiting for this one
well i guess you were waiting for this one, first off ill start with your other movie, it was decent, didnt look like flash though, lookded like some other 3d program, it was kinda short, but it was still decent, nice slowmotion on the funny little snowman, ok now ill start with this one it was funny, loved the voics most of all, got more points for that, heheh, ok now you see i didnt review you bad cause you have a decent film, ok now you go to my movies and give bad reviews and say how im different from my profile, just cause i have a stick or a clock flick, and yes one or twwo of them may be bad, and one of them may be really bad but, doesent mean i cant review movies the way i see them, just cause i have a bad movie doesnt mean i cant vote a 0 on another, and yes i know my first was crap, my second was improved in my eyes and a few others, ohwell guess thats all for now, dont make enemies so soon after you join ng's