((( LOL )))
Ok well it did seem kinda strange when nothing happened, heh but i seem to love tricky ever since i made somthing of him myself lol funny...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Its kinda tricky...
((( LOL )))
Ok well it did seem kinda strange when nothing happened, heh but i seem to love tricky ever since i made somthing of him myself lol funny...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Its kinda tricky...
Tricky rocks, everyone is just scared of seing a pen0r.
((( COOL )))
Hey thanks for reviewing my movie, thaught i would return a review your way, haha sf cali i be in oc cali, heh anyways this one was cool, looks like itself will also make for an interesting series, hope to see more, the circle like characters are cool, but i would invest some time into more detailed characters, i liked some of the views you had like in the cell, im kinda going for unique view shots with my jim the slug series aswell, oh and another thing i did like was at the end with the door opening up and just showing the shadows of the 3 people who may or may not kill green guy, heh anyways great episode one...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A good start to a promising series...
Thanks :) Second "Green Guy" will be alot better.
((( NICE ))
Wow the lams had such a realistic effects, and looked so real with every movement and so 3d it was just awsome, i like it, its cute and wellmade, the lamps are so realistic, nice work...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: 3D like lamps...
You are a strange person you ... :) 6000 reviews ... nuts ...
Awsome detail went into this film, the effects did seem abit slow, but to me it was very artistic, great art like ships with no outline i think no outline really made it more artistic, great film, keep it up...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Artistic like...
those words make me feel funny inside
((( HEH OK )))
Well ok ill have to say while im not a fan of the clock crew army vote style, but that the preloader was awsome one of the best tanks i have seen in awhile, flash was kinda short and simple, it could have been longer and might have even causght my eye abit more if it was with a character designed character, but its ok kinda funny infact, keep up the decent work...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A clock movie...
((( HEH )))
I remember that story of the statue thing heh, it was kinda funny, just the sound quality was abit low, but it was kinda neat, keep it up...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Sound quality abit low...
LOW SOUND QUALITY???? I thought it was better since I fixed it!
OK, I will check into it again, thank you for watching!
((( KINDA NEAT )))
Hey that was cool, kinda neat, i did think it was very short it could have gone on, maybe even shown how many people just make mario movies more then other types, hehe anyways good little video...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A cute mario thing...
thanx dud i need all the support i can get
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