((( HEH )))
Well notbad, the best thing was the song, and the rest well it was ok, but i just love that song what was it...
((( HEH )))
Well notbad, the best thing was the song, and the rest well it was ok, but i just love that song what was it...
ty man.. u are at lvl 16 and u gived me a total 6. i feel realy good now. i wanna thank u very much.
((( HMMMM )))
Well this needs some work, like why was it not centered, and why was the buttons not showen, the song was cool but it still needs more of a better interface...
I'm sorry it's not working. It seems my flash editor is submitting everything way left-aligned so this movie may be permanently like that. I think i'll contact them.
((( AWSOME )))
Wow that was awsome, great colors, and some of the glitzzy effects are cool, the saw dude was crazy, this was just an overall great flash well put together nice job...
Thanks XwaynecoltX for the positive feedback. I like to make things colorful, especially for a movie like this, it should be colorful. Anyways, I'm glad you liked this flash. :)
((( LOL )))
LOL that was great, well kinda, it was simple, but funny, the music seemed very loud, but it was cool the animation was simpl and funny...
Thanks, I think. Music too loud? Hmm, that might just be your speaker settings. I'll be sure to check and make sure the next one doesn't have any major volume issues.
((( AWSOME )))
Hey that was awsome, great story, the fight scenes were far and few in between, great style though lots of detail in each character, just could use more fighting...
XwaynecoltX! Long time no see :)
I remember when you reviewed one of my movies back in November! I didn't really know you were the top reviewer at the time...but now I know :)
((( OK ))) November 22, 2003
Reviewed by: XwaynecoltX Overall rating: 6
Heh one of the few sprite movies i wouldnt mind seeing the rest of, it had a good running time, not to long not to short, just right, story looks good kept me interested, and most important, the sprites and backrounds were very clear and sharp...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A sprite movie, that keeps you interested...
That was like one of my best reviews for part 3! I see you're not doing any more movie commentary anymore :(
Ah well. If you want more action you must watch part 10! That is definately my best episode yet (and the most actionpacked) :)
((( HMMMMMMM )))
Hmmmm well it was kinda hard to hear the voices, the backrounds could use more detail, and it needed more plot and excitement, maybe next time...
will do
((( HA )))
Cool that was another great contest entry, funny same ol cool music, and the blood effect was cool, nice touch with the overhead text bubble, all made for a funny little flash contest ha...
thanks ^^
((( LOL )))
Another one of thease contests ha, well notbad, but add a stopaction code so that it doesnt loop over and over, and a play button wouldnt hurt either, it was kinda funny though i prefer reall art...
Yeah im currently ugrading the film even though the contest is over so it should soon be longer and better.
~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002
Age 51, Male
Joined on 1/17/01