That was kinda short, and the sound qality ws kinda low, the view screen was abit hard to see and very bocky, as for the story it was ok i kinda liked but the quality of the film was just abit low...
That was kinda short, and the sound qality ws kinda low, the view screen was abit hard to see and very bocky, as for the story it was ok i kinda liked but the quality of the film was just abit low...
if you meant blocky when you said bocky ; then it's like that becuase of heaps of compression. If someone waits 5 mins for a 5mb movie and it's pretty short. they'll blam it. so I compress my movies. and therefore... they turn out "blocky"
The graphics are very overwelming could also be why my machine was lagging to hell, but awsome artwork in anycase, the sounds were right on, and it was a welldone flash, it shows great talent from the artis, nice work indeed...
:P thnx i think ur the first person to like it properly
((( HAHA )))
OK ill admit it was a good idea, the sound quality was abit low, but the character designs came off very well, maybe have them animated abit more, the ending joke was cool made me laugh and was just plain out funny, nice short, keep it up...
fucking hell!
Reviews written by -LoveKills-:
8610 reviews available
The effects were awsome, like the clouds and the moon, very good detail, the joke was funny and made me laugh, awsome graphics thoughm you should make a movie movie it would for sure pay off with that awsome art style...
Much <3 man. I might eventually.
((( HMMMM )))
Well there were somany, that it was hard to get into anyone, and they were very short so that was the downside to thei mullti music video something, some of the music was ok, some was better, the animation was decent though...
Well, this was first and formost merely a side project. Something for me to do that wouldn't take too much time or energy but could still be enjoyable. In any case, glad you found time to review it ~X~.
((( FUNNY )))
Ill admit this was funny, the car was funny as hell haha, the music seems to stop and go and that kinda runes the flash, but its was funny, i was well entertained, dont make the intro so long either...
the music is supposed to be the cars radio.
((( AWSOME )))
Wow that was cool, dont play much FF anymore but this braught back old times, it was well done, all packed into one awsome flash, and for that i commend you...
Thanks, but 7...? oh well, thanks
((( NOTBAD )))
The idea is cool, and it works well, the artwork was ok but could be better, the animation was somewhat slow, and could be greatly improved, the voices were very good though, made me think it was really them talking, so notbad at all, keep it up...
y7eah i dont actually like this m,ovie that much..its my least favcorite of mine, but you know whats funny my favorite SAm and tim got blammed today, i know you dont care but i need to vent..i should start drawing stick figures fighting
((( CUTE )))
Heh notbad, i like the shaded backrounds, and as for the orange it was cute, had some good voice acting though so notbad at all, hope to see this into more of a series though...
itll be a series soon
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