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Nice action

I guess this is the last one but has some nice action scenes in this An amazing submission this was There was some quality to ths film and it shows But would love to see this excell even more but regardless you really showcased this one well, The fast scenes were good just wish there was some longer ones, My ending remarks on this flick submission are that its a fine flick movie entry I was pretty glued to the screen so nice job, Nice finish to this series great animating


Awsome art

The art in this was amazing and so was the voice work would have loved some subtitles though, So thank you for a nice movie entry here today because this particular entry was pretty amazing And so right from the start this entry yielded lots of fun and shows off right away, some top work on this smooth animation love that voice it was top notch but anyways nice work


GasGrass responds:

I appreciate it! I agree on subtitles; I make it a goal to include them on everything I make. Too bad Newgrounds doesn't seem to allow toggleable subtitles, but I'm sure including them in the base video is understandable enough.


Another fun review flick these have been pretty good and very entertaining I love the creativness of these most of all, they want to see what you offer them but you have shown them some good effort And I was pleased to see this it had some nice elements and visuals, Narratting on this is pretty good too and I found it to be a fun and entertaining film style here


Very nice

The animation alone was smoothe and the little sounds and bits are actually very fitting for the animation, There is no sleeper here what you have here is something different and unique in its own way a very unique stylish and creative blend of film here, It was a sutble film with a big visual elements and the art was very nice it was even a pleasent experience to review this I endorse this interesting submission So here in the end you have shined up the edges and made this shine with some flavor, Nice film hope you do make more



This was a nice animation kind of fast and love the lego part of it all This was a great opportunity for me to review this you set a standard and I did enjoy what you have here for the mostpart this was cleverly done, make more stuff like this especially with the lego animation this gave off a really stylistic tone to it so nice work on this one and it is a fine movie entry indeed, fun animation lots of mixture in this


Very nice

So this was a colorful and random film but very creative Right on point with this entry of a flick Well this was something different and your flick has shown a lot of nifty elements, I love the randomness of it all I found this movie entry somewhat amusing and entertaining Anyways keep up the good work and do make more soon because this was a blast, a creative visual of all sorts of animation love it



I love the knight as always but also you did some amazing work with the color on this some simple detail can go a long ways and you have created some fun color elements here


Random and funny

And once again you entertainin us all with the fun and random toons the knight is still my fave but love the audio that went with these Wonderfully designed with a unique feel to it but nice and random



Well I have to say is that these are some funny scenes here you did very well animating it and ELON lol a funny flick and some good art in these so nice job keep making these maybe even a series about elon



No grimmace shake for you lol how you started on this makes this really and pretty impressive, always nice seeing some new clocks and this was actually a funny film so nice job


RadioTubeClock responds:


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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