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Its been awhile since i have seen some good sprites, this was notbad, i did have a hard time reading the text as it reflected badly off the backrounds my suggestion for that is below, good flash though.

Place a dark bar or box behind the text and have the text in that box so it makes the text standout more, just an idea though.


ThyGentleman responds:

yup thats noted and in the next episode theres also going to be a next button so you can take your time and read it...now all i gotta do is learn how to keep the music playing while its stopped at that frame

Nice clay

So this was notbad and i have seen a few clay stuff i just wish the viewscreen was abit larger but i do understand its to save size i think, hehe, but still a good flash here with a entertaining story, im thinking if your gonna give "CLOSE-UPS" to the faces you should give the clay faces some detail, such as eyes, noses, mouths etc

Add some facial features


Hhehe simple but very entertaining

Hehe well i liked this, it was not very long but it was simple and yet still entertaining, my only beef with this flash at all was that i wish there was more differant scenes and some more use of color, but your animation was right on.

Add more scenes and more backrounds aswell some more use of color.


LungaN responds:

Yeah but I didn't plan to make this a big project.
I'll make a bigger and longer flash next time.
I'm stil pretty sure I wanna make an portal flash ^-^


Hmmm well it was interesting dont get me wrong there, but i thought it could be greatly improved such as your character designs you should mold them so its more character like, and have much more scenes and stuff going on.

Character designs needed


Hmmm notbad

This was notbad, a good idea of a poem on flash onlything i thought it could be improved on was that, it was just text all around, adding abit of "ANIMATION" wouldnt hurt and may make it more enjoyble for others, just an idea though.

Needs more then just the text, nice idea though


its notbad could use improving

i liked it, its very entertaining, i believe you need to add smoother frames per socond, and add some backrounds like other scenes for the characters, anyways better luck next time.

i made a few suggestions above that could help improve on this


Random and funny

Funny. Could use some work on the animating and abit more effort on ideas. But I found the randomness of it all amusing and made me very glad to have seen it

more effort on ideas next time good stuff though


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