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Size could be compressed

the style was funny and i always like these types i call em newgrounds parodies, the size was abit too much i thought, everything else was pretty funny and amusing

Only thing i had issues was, the large meg file this was and only worry that it may limit some users from enjoying your work, just something to think about when making big file flashworks.


Very random

Well this was very random, but i did get some laughs out of it all the differant jpegs were amusing and made me laugh and chuckle throughout the film, so overall its not a bad choice way to go, its not amazing but could be toned down on the flashy effects

Try and tone down the flashy style abit, that could have some better end results for this


Random but Awsome

WOW now here is another random but awsome flash and the animation was very "SMOOTH" the ideas in this flash were random at times but they were some amazing and creative ideas that made this into an artistic visual animation, anyways nice job

Amazing and entertaining flash


It was cute

You have a cute game here the character was cute aswas the humor you gave it, i like all the bright color and simple humor, nice job all around on this, it can be slightly improved maybe abit longer

I would like to see this improve such as longer episodes , introduce more characters, and even longer dialog scenes


Its notbad

Well this was notbad i like all the shooting and killing, the backround scene changing was a nice touch aswell as the red blood but not taking away from the black and white style, so all and all it was a decent flash here

This w as notbad, things to improve on? maybe more "DETAIL" in the backdrops


Add some color

I know these types are meant to be black and white, but just an ounce of color, would be nice, also some other scenes that you had this in would also be nice, good luck in future stuff

Nice flash but could use abit more effort as i explained above


Vaneetra responds:

Yea, it could have. But like I said, this is only my second attempt. I just need to practice with the basics a little more to get used to it and then try more complex situations and such. Thanks for the tips!

Funny characters

You made something decent here i really like the characters and how you made them all sorta unique and differant as so they have there own style and , personality, it made for a much more entertaining flash episode here

As to improve, make more episodes with even more entertaining characters and the animation could be smoother especially on the limbs.


Haha this was cute

Haha ok this was much better then the tittle leads on, the idea behind it was cute and your art style is neat and refreshing the color sheme is simple but i enjoyed itm as to improve? well i supose the file could be compressed somewhat, anyways nice flash

Improve on this film by compressing the filel


Nice effects

This was nice the sprite work looks very sharp and crisp and the action was jam packed, the animation was awsome, I think if i was gonna give any advice it would to have the action go into much more scenes differant ones with all sorts of more action

It needs more scenes and stuff like i explained just above, hope it helps and hope to see new and upcoming vids from you


diogoshx responds:

i understand!

yeah! what you are trying to say is that if i make more "different cameras of action". :D

More effects, and a little more, appreciation of the art, as well of a little longer movie.

thanks for your time!

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