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Its cute

Well this was a cute little animation, the bouncing ball atleast i think thats what it was, has a funny and cute feel to it it was amusing though, i think it needs abit more such as much more color mainly in the backdrop of all the action, anyways i enjoyed your little flash here i hope my advice can help you improve

Some backround effort is needed, also it loops over and over that needs to be addressed with a stop action code


Nice animation

A cute animation you have here, it seemed abit on the shortside, and i thought it could have used some subtitles, but i like what you did with it like the effects of fading out here and there, it cammeout to be an entertaining and very amusing flash, make more soon

Improve? well maybe start with some subtitles then you could add more content and make it a tad longer.


Macho mario

Wow i love this the characters alone is what did it for me and you added so much action very welldone on how smooth this animation flowed, and on top of that you thought of a good idea with Mario vs sonic, and now comes the question on mario he was more of a MACHO MARIO hehe but i guess plummers are that way lol, anyways i enjoyed your animation

Funny characters lots of action and smooth animating made this a hit with me. if i can help improve on your film it would be to suggest a "STOP-ACTION-CODE" it will stop yhe looping and ofcourse you need a play and replay buttons


It was kinda slow

This animation kinda was slow, but i liked it, im a fan of sci fi stuff and this was right up there the story was my faveourite part you seemed to really put lots of effort into this, so while it was slow it was still a good flash and i thought in the end it was a fantastic entry.

Things to improve? speed up the animation and story, dont drag it on.


LOL Funny

Lol this was very funny it was really short though but its to be expected, you did well on this the animation flowed well and was fast the characters were neat and really was like i was watching a saturday morning toon, However if i can help give advice it would be that this needs some subtitles not that anything was wrong with the audio its just a nice jesture that would improve on this.

Like i explained, some subtitles would be nice aswell as a longer toon with even more funny stuff going on


lol ok amusing

Well i must say that was amusing and did keep me somewhat entertained, you have alot of episodes , episodes ill have to catch up on, as for this one i though there could have been much more going on but the animation was notbad, just not enough to go off of, but i do promise to review em all, so good luck with the others

This one needs more content, more action and much more scenes then what you have


This was nice

And here was an earlier episode it also explains alot, i like your style of the characters and story that just fit so well and made for one hell of a flash and i was pleased to have seen and reviewed so nice job indeed.

Things to improve on would be, well for me i would love to see the file compressed just a tad, might help slower computer/connection users, anyways hope that helps abit



Ok i thought i seen em all but look what i find here with this one, a very awsome in visuals, right from the start to the very end its amazing you sir have some awsome skills and i will have to checkout the otherstuff so props to you on an awsome series, very welldone

Nothing i could say except make more soon if ya can


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