amusing but too short
a fast flash you have here, and you added some {NIFTY} sound/fx, but i have to say that this was just too short i thought, you should make it longer, it was really funny and all, just still very {SHORT} something that could be longer just have to stretch it out abit, the content was funny and sick in away, but like i said it was amusing and i did get a short laugh out of it, now you could ad more scenes, or better yet make other shorts along with this, kinda like a series of short clips about differant restuarants and stuff it might have better results that way i thought, But again its just too short and needs more to it either in a series of shorts or by adding more to this one making it longer and eventually stretching out the joke you do got going, but anyways something to try out, also another thing might be the light {BLUE} backround on the credits maybe make it abit darker will make the text better to read, anyways it was a funny little short but in the end it needs more to it. anyways good luck on your next entry, thats if you still make stuff, since this one was abit on the older side.
a couple of things, mainly that it was too short and could be better as a longer flash or a number of short clips in the flash, aslo the light blue backround in the menu and credits could be another color something more dominant and darker
A very short flash but its very amuising.