This was actually pretty cute, the animation was smooth running not too short and not too long kinda just right if you ask me, but it was cute and entertaining, and allthough the character was very {SIMPLE} just a ball you actually made it work, even with some funny face expressions, the {MUSIC} was simple as well but felt it was fitting for the feel you gave it, not the best flash in the world but for sure a decent piece of work, now how can we improve on this? in my oppinion i think you could make a small series of shorts like this, with other ball episodes of deaths and mishaps, maybe other ball heads are introduced and such, try it out and see what happens, anyways i enjoyed the flash it was decent work and a good effort. And i look forward to reviewing more of your work soon, untill then good luck.
Make more small episodes like this, with new adventures and new ball heads but keep it simple as this one
Funny and short