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Nice work

Now before i get started on the details and such, I just wanted to say a few things in a more enlightening way of the flash, first off it was a refreshing flash entry and showed off some decent skills here and there and whatnot, So for what i got out of this it was pretty positive, allthough later you will find some helpfull ideas, tips and suggestions that may help make it even better so try them aout and never be afraid to try new stuff. So first great job on this "CLOCK-DAY" Entry its always a fun day and see what comes thru, The differant toons you have here are all kinda neat and quite enjoyble, so it was nice that you added a few short animations in one flash that is good quality controll, The animation here was abit differant i guess because it was more then animation but i do like how you presented this, it was interesting though, Audio was pretty good here there was a "WIDE" mixture of audio uses and such wich actually made it alright so that was something good, There was some "STATIC" Sounds with some of the music but it was little to non, and not a real issue, And i guess the whole "VIEW-SCREEN" could be larger it would allow for more detail to show and bring a tad more quality to everything. And so here we have something differant and with everything going on you really bring out the quality,So i am loving the unique style and it stillbrings some entertainment value and that was all a plus, and really just kept me interested from the getgo, so props to you on a decent flash submission here, hope to see more from you. Ok so here it is in a nutshell as some may say, thiswas notbad, and there is some room for making things better and or improving on a few points, both positive and negitive points in this flash, but i liked it all, but anyways here are one or two ideas and improving on this would be great.

So I actually found this to be an entertaining flash sumbmission, I did see a couple of things that could have been re-worked with a tad more effort, so i gone ahead to try and find some lacking points and do hope you consider looking into them as it will just add more quality, but anyways heres an idea or two. Some static was around but it was not a big thing maybe some looking into this would be great.and a larger view screen would be a plus.

ToonCastleTV responds:

Thanks for the very fair review - I'd very much like to try this type again sometime soon =/ but I think larger paper will have to be used, probably animation paper and I have a higher quality camera these days so maybe it will be epic if I have a chance

Somewhat funny, and random entry

So first off let me start by saying its a pleasure to see stuff like this, given that its not perfect and is not the worst either and there are some areas that can be worked on for improvment but i have to admit that for the most of this i found it amusing and pretty good, so i was actually glad i had the time to check this one out, So with all that said Lets really get into this. I really like the randomness and strange feel you put into this that really got me interested, The jokes were amusing but not overly amusing, there are some areas with jokes that you could execute them better and just overall make them more "FUNNY" Random Animation you have here, i found the randomness to be a blessing if you will, it made it differant and more interesting, thats something you may want to go with more. The "STORY" here was welladpated and i took a liking to it right away and found that it was pretty good, keeps you interested and not easily bored, Graphics was prettygood, especially with some of the backrounds showed lots of effort on your part and detailed wffort if i say so myself. Effects is something that you could work on abit better, just a few effects here and there, maybe the blood, and some other areas throughout the film. And then there is the Animation and to me it "FLOWED"perfectly bringing everything together so i had no hangups there as you have shown lost of effort here and especially in the animation. Ok so with This and that said here on a few things, I came to find that this submission was kinda nifty, somewhat entertaining, but generally i found it to be a worth while of a flash movie, and i can see how you have put your efforts across the boards, and hope to see even more from you as this was a pleasent flash.

So here we go with ways and ideas to improve always the hardest part of the review for me as i dont want to nit pick on every detail but try for some of the basics, But there were a few spots thats could be cleaner, smoother and finner so Hope some of these tips do help and would be nice to see changes in the near future. So the "JOKES" could be funnier and come to gether better, they were needing better execution im guessing, And something on a small scale maybe some more effort on effects like blood, maybe some random props aswell.

ToonCastleTV responds:

Hey man thanks for the review! I definitly agree some of the drawings weren't the cleanest - a lot of the drawings were slightly rushed and back when I didn't care as much about my line quality which I think you'll find very much improved in future animations. It's true I spent a lot of time on some of the backgrounds, and you're right in thinking that this could have been pushed a lil more, I think I grew a lot making this piece I hope that you can see that with future work =)

Entertaining flash

This was a clever movie you have here, There was some inspriring animation in this, and hile i do say that there was some areas of the flash that can be made to run and look better even more on a sharper and smoother feel, but i will for sure touch on those areas abit later, but now i just wanted to comment on how i preceived this to start off, and sofar i am pretty intriged by it, so glad to see something good here. Iguess theres alot of stuff happening to papers it was pretty entertaining but just wish something positive did come his way once in awhile. maybe in a future episode possibly, The main character did seem somewhat on the "SIMPLE" side of things but maybe thats something you could also enhance with some more detail. So to start off great work with the "EMOTION" of the characters you really expressed that well, and came off realisticly, that was something that stoodout for me, Lip synking was kind of off, the sound and mouth animation just didnt match up and vice versa, there was a time laps or something that just didnt match so thats something that could be worked on. The Story was actually notbad, just seemed kinda sad when all this stuff was going on and such, Graphics and visuals especially backrounds were kinda decent, Well here we come to an end of another flash, and with my closing comments on this, i had some entertaining fun and amusment with this movie, it was not great but was not poor either, it actually had some good points that kept me interested and wanting more, But with all that said sadly this review does come to an end and ill just say it was actually alright.

There was some lip synking issues that could be smoothed out, You also may want to add some "SUBTITLES" in some areas of confusion with the sound of the voices, was not a big deal but subtitles would come in real hand in those lacking areas, so just another option to work on. and on a last note maybe abit more effort and detail on the character as it was just abit simplistic.

Random and amusing

Well so its not all the time you see flash works like this especially in a movie form so i was actually suprised with how you presented this and how you let it flow from start to the end, So in that aspect of things it actually does get off to a decent start, Ok so not fond of the loop but guess thats the "IDEA" of it all and such, Frame by frame is tricky and odd its good animation just not always succesfull, but for the most part this was still ok. There is actually alot going on here and the animation seems to flow with every next scene so nice effort there. So The "MUSIC" was in good taste and as for a looping type of flash it seemed to work, The music also seems to fit the FBF style. I was really impressed with the "STORY" really looks like you put the time in on it, showing that a little effort can go along ways, so the story was greatand had some nice depth to it. but it also has some randomness to it and thats was notbad either. The Artwork was ok, but the animation seemed more of a strong point in this, maybe if you can smooth out some of your linework on the drawings it might come together abit better. This was a nice Flash submission had some artistic value and some sense of humor, and keeps youinterested aswell as entertained, there were some areas that could use some more clever ideas and tips, but that also comes with most flash submissions, so maybe below i will have a few ideas for you, but regardless of this all, this was actually notbad of a flash entry.

This was a good animation it has a smooth side of things and the style and direction was ok, but i believe that there needs to be an even smooth effort on things, the flash was decent, but i must say there are still some clever ways you can make this better, such as using varias ideas and advice that will in the endmake this more quality then it is, just something to think about, So as for some improvment changes maybe some better drawings and line-work, but besides that it was alright.

Carr77 responds:

Thanks for the long comment (I love those), and you had many good points and ideas :)
I will think of those in the future :D

So I thought i would checkout this little series of yours seems like you have alot of episodes here wich is notbad at all, I like the fact that these are not real big in file size so thats a good start sofar, Graphics was lacking in some areas, mainly in the characters they were more on the "SIMPLE" side of things, but still coulduse for some greaphic enhancments like more shades, more small details and more personality to the characters. Voice acting is always a touchy one, the ones you had were so-so, and could use more depth and quality in them, more emotion and more sharper sound quality in the voices it may have been the lip syncing aswell, but thats something to look into, The plot was simple and seems like it could use more depth more stuff going on more things to keep the viewer really interested in your movie, Give more info on characters, places, and when, these are something that could have more depth to them. The "JOKES" and humor to this movie was notbad but also seems like you can put some more effort there in bringing more humor and really just bringing some laughter out from the film itself, So i understand this is just the first episode in along series of episodes i do look forward to seeing more of them, this particular episode just needed some more excitment something to really set the tone for the rest of the series.

So while this was a pretty nifty flash movie here there were some tweaks and changes that can be addressed, as mentioned throughout the review aswell as here, you can put that extra improving for an overall better outcome with some more quality added, so here are some things i found lacking and or needeing some changes. so First off the voices as mentioned need some work The characters could use some "DETAIL" aswell, It was abit short, maybe later episodes have more detail, depth and much more plot to the "STORY" Then there was the jokes wich could have been executed much better,

MistyE responds:

thanks for your review. this flash is pretty old, episode 39 is a pretty good example of the type of thing i'll make now. it was based on a novel i wrote, and at the time, my main focus was a serious story-driven series rather than a humorous one.

thanks again.

Kind of short

And I am delighted to get started on another review of this flash movie, the work does show you putting the time and especially some effort to it, This is kind of interesting so it doesnt bore you but does actually keep you wondering what may come up next so thats some things i notoced right away about this flash. Animation was a concern here there was some various old tricks used here, but seems like some of those styles are outdated, and the animation hurt for it so those are some things you may want to ironout more perfectly. The story in this particular episode didnt really take off much and seemed more as a stale state, so thats another area that could use more depth and detail in. The "FIGHT-SCENE" was kind of impressive though and thatmight have been the strongest part of this episode. also noticed the music seemed to fit with this one. but anyways Adrellia Village series seems to take a liking with me as it is drawing more interest from me and i do look forward to more in the series, So as this review comes to a short end, it was a decent flash of good portion, could use more stuff here and there and some smoothing out on some areas, but i thought in the end it was just right and fittng with all that was happening so it was alright with me.

I was amused with this flash as it brought some entertainment value, and some other elements that brought stuff together but then there was some weaker points that could be worked on, adn adressed more heavily, and with alot more effort, So if i do suggest any advice and or ideas they would help on these flashes great i think, they do have potential, so its a good sense of entertainment. But anyways without furture adu here are some of those ideas to improve on. Well in this case the animation could have been better and smoother, The "STORY" could be worked on in this episode as it was rather dull and didnt givemuch to it.

A bit short but it was still kind of amusing.

Now here we have a good little toon, nothing on a negitive side but something interesting to keep my interest throughout the flash from start to finish, i found it inlighting, entertaining and even a bit amusing. So as just mentioned this was rather short, buti still found some entertainment value, Now it could be longer because the content you did have, had alot of amusing points, im not sure i saw any real negitive points needing improvment, most of this was pretty good so nice effort there, i do look forward to more of your works though, as this was notbad and kept me interested and didnt bore me, it was highly amusing, anyways keep up the decent flashworks.

Im always looking to help on a few improvment ideas here and there, Not all flash needs new ideas but some still need some improvments so hope you will take some of my ideas and use them to the best of your skills, More content would be a start, And make it longer keep it going with the stuff you started this with, you have some good points good with that.

Notbad at all

That was very nicely done. There was alot of great value to this Movie, but there were some weaker points that could be addressed aswell, that will be explained later but as for a start to this, this was pretty impressive to start. So as for a sprite flash this was actually notbad, and its nice to see some sprite flashworks now and then so glad i had a chance to see some of this, Backrounds looked pretty nifty and that goes along with the graphics as the detail did show up somewhat in this, Voices were notbad, actually better then i expected, so there was some good quality there, and really made it more enjoyble throughout the movie, Story was notbad either, I found it to be interesting but again could use more depth and even more understanding to it all as some parts were just too off the wall, Overall I found this to be a pretty good movie had some areas where it can be worked on, more explainedbelow, but for the mostpart it was pretty good i thought.

There are some improvments that could be made, here are a few suggestions, some effort on your side will only make this even better. So give these options a try. But i would suggest some ideas of improvment i would start with the story seemed kinda crazy at times and didnt know what was going on, You may even want to add some "SUBTITLES" making it better to understand on that aspect of things aswell,

DemonicDragon93 responds:

Thank you for review. The movie does have subtitles but i made it a option for someone to drag there mouse over it. if they wanted it. I'll identify that more closely in the next episode

This was funny and Amusing

A good flash here, it was amusing and entertaining especially when the guy shoots baddie and he is like boom that was funny and amusing, So this was pretty good of a flash it had some sadness in there and some good emotion, so nice work on bringing that element to the story, it really shot it up good, and as for the "MUSIC" that was stand alone on its own and really impressed me so you had some good choices here all around and really was glad i saw this, and hope to see more from yousoon, anyways keep up the good work. on one last note woould love to see you continue on this style maybe with some sorta seres of segmants, anyways good luck.

This was pretty entertaining had lots of stuff, i would like to see you continue it on with more of a random feel also.

A good flash here some good visuals, some nice action, and even some emotion, a good flash and good ending here.

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