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Amusing flash here

Now first off congrats on a few things the first is winning a "DAILY" second would be that you got a good quality flash here, and doing so with at a 2 meg file thats always impressive, so nice job there, So this was pretty good the animation alone was pretty fantastic, very smooth and flowed well, And the art was another link to the great animation, The whole theme of dragon ball z was great and was entertaining enough to get a few laughs out of it, I really enjoyed this one and hope others will too, it gives some good humor and gives the viewer some laughs so nice work all around on this one.

A good flash here and some great animation, didnt see much in improving, as it was pretty excellent stuff.

Fantastic Flash here

This was differant i have to admitt that the "ANIMATION" was very good very smooth and flowed smoothly, there was alot of differant stuff going on so it did have that random factor, All the woman were pretty sexy though, As for the music it was pretty hip and flowed very well with the animation and it was a jumping beat, And since it was for robot day this was pretty neat the robot was amazing and liked the focus from then on out, i was very impressed with this one, keep up the good work, and i do look forward to see more of your works, hope you bring us stuff as good as this if not better, anyways thanks it was a blast.

Now my only issue here was that it could have been shorter only because the 7 megs was abit long to load but once it got rolling it was pretty good.

Entertaining and nice animation

I like this one because, it had more of a story, then i thought, it was very detailed and kept everything else going, The characters were really great with this one, the animation really ran smoothly aswell so that was a big plus on things, Also nice touch on the "HUMOR" there was a little bit of it but still made it worth while, i was highly enetertained with this, it was of high quality and good animation seemed to be very good from start to finish, i was very pleased with this and glad i had the chance to see it in its entirety, so awsome job on this, so if anything is to be improved maybe some more humor but like i said the humor was ok.

So some more humor could really work on this, but other then that this was alright.

Decent for clock day

This was pretty good, another clock movie pretty entertaining, allthough it could use some improvments but being a clock movie its kinda good as is, but the animation was notbad, the whole arabic style was kind of interesting, kinda amusing infact, also the SBC was neat and a nice tribute of sorts, allthough this is pretty old flash i have to admit its still pretty good and has some good humor about it so i did get a few chuckles out of it, regardless it would be nice to see some improvments but again clock movies were not created to be the best quality of stuff, but anyways nice job.

Not sure i have any suggestions for improving, since clock movies are best known for lesser quality, but this one was pretty good as is.

Kind of interesting

This was interesting, kind of confusing at first but i thought it was interesting seemed to go on abit too long story wise so kinda dragged on towards the end, so you could possibly shorten the story abit somehow, the voice seemed abit anoying and all the clock characters was kinda neat, and in the end i guess there was a meaning to all this but was still kind of confused, now on the possitive side of things the art was pretty good, the animation could have been better and the story could have been shorter, So all and all this was notbad and i did get a laugh or two from it so nice job there and decent effort on this flash, keep it up.

Making this flash better well there were a few options, shorter story as it dragged on towards the end, some smoother animation from scene to scene, and the anoying voice could have been better.

Very entertaining

So first of all Congrats on winning a daily award thats always a plus with the work and time put in to these, The size was pretty good too so another great thing, This animation was pretty good, and the animation was pretty smooth as it moved from scene to scene, the animation looked abit differant but still ran smooth, This toon was abit short but it was still good and presented some good quality about it and such, So anyways great animation, nice action and somewhat of a decent story, all pretty entertaining, so nice work, and good effort, hope to see more of your work soon, untill then keep up the amazing flash works.

So improving theres always some room for, with this flash i wouldnt mind seeing more "BATTLE" and more flashy effects in the backround. maybe even making it longer stretching out abit would be nice

Randomly amusing

Ok so this was kinda interesting, and a little bazar with the BDSM but that was also kinda good aswell, The "ANIMATION" could be smoother and flow alot better then it was, kinda hurt the characters aswell, and as for the characters they are pretty good but, the animation needed to be better. The "CAT GIRL" was nice and sexy and was interesting as her character develops, The shampoo scene was pretty funny though, but i like how it all panned out and you did give it some sorta humor wich was a plus for me so nice job there, maybe work on the size just a bit.but anyways good job i liked it.keep up the good work

So first of all the animation can flow better and more smoother, The size of this seemed abit large could be the reason why it did take forever to load.

Mike is always entertaining

Lol that was entertaining, i think i remember this movie, the voice clip was pretty good, there is room for some improvments such as the "LOOPING" you can ad a stop action code so it doesnt loop, also the backround needs some color or some scene, you may also want to give some animation to his head have it move around once in awhile, it just sitting there looked odd, but anyways these are just a few ideas, that could improve on this, also one last improvment point might be to have some "SUBTITLES" aswell, but other then those things mentioned, it was kind of amusing, if anything some more jokes could be placed in there, anyways nice effort here.

This was not hard to understand, but it would be a nice option to have some subtitles, gives the flash just that bit more effort, and incase anything was missed you have the text right there. some more jokes could be in the dialog, the backround needs some color or some scene, you may also want to give some animation to his head have it move around once in awhile, Try and fix that loop, this is an easy provess with some simple action script code, its called a "STOP-ACTION-CODE" now you will also have to add a stop and replay buttons so that the viewer can easily replay you flash aswell

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