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Cool zombies

Zombies are always great, and i loved watching this, lots of zombies lots of action and lots of killing, and you were even able to throw in some "HUMOR" so for those aspect of things, it was pretty fun packed, and love all the action, but mainly the zombies, I thought you could have managed to make it somewhat longer, but for the mostpart it was pretty good as it is, now as for improving you could spice up the "GRAPHICS" abit more, more goulosh and gore wouldnt hurt either, but other then that this was pretty good, keep up the good work, i wouldnt mind seeing more like this, anyways nice job.

now as for improving you could spice up the "GRAPHICS" abit more, more goulosh and gore wouldnt hurt either

Good story to start

A good flash here i love how you kept itwith some "SUSPENSE" and kept it very interesting so with this one the story kept upto par, The character was good and you gave good story around that character so this was pretty good if you ask me, The ending with blowing up everything was odd but it was kind of amusing aswell, Some other fantastic pieces in this besides the story was how nice the artwork looked youput in the time and it shows, But anyways this was a pretty good flash, and i got some good entertainment from it so awsome job hope to see more soon this was pretty good if you ask me

Bring more silly and more random thats what really pushed this toon over the edge for me

Entertaining and amusing

Ok so i found this flash to be pretty interesting and slightly entertaining, its one of those flash pieces thats grabs your attention and keeps you there, i like the style and direction you took with this, anyways great start to a decent flash. So there was not much of a story but with how you presented it i guess there was no need, but it was pretty entertaining, it was kind of on the short side, so maybe make it longer with abit more content next time, but overall this was a pretty good tune, not too much to add, except adding more to it but not by much, but great flash i really enjoyed it, heep up the hard work, as i know these flash types and styles can take time.

So things to improve on its always hard to improve on every little thing but. there could be some small improvments here and there, so i took a little time to maybe help and improve on this, below are one or two suggestions that i hope can make things better for all. So for this flash works i thought there could be more "CONTENT" maybe make it longer since it was kind of short, other then that it was a pretty solid tune.

This was notbad

Well this was notbad it was ok i thought the "ANIMATION" was very welldone smooth and just flows so nicley, so that was a plus there, Animation was good but maybe abit more smoother in parts here and there, Now i must admit it was neat seeing a pokemon as its been years and years, Seemed abit on the simple side though, but that was ok i thought, Maybe because it was just a little here and there and could have used abit more to it then you had, Not much to this but the animation and design of this all was pretty good i thought, now if anything i guess some smoother flowing animation but the rest was pretty good if you ask me.

Animation was notbad but maybe more smoother in spots here and there, but really besides all that it was alright.

Interesting flash

I got a kick out of this one, has some good humor, as there is alot of stuff going on and lots to see, allthough there could be more "ACTION-SCENES" and such but there was still alot going on, very random and amusing, There is some real funny and amusing parts so you did fantastic on bringing the humor out on this, so once again awsome job there, also want to mention how well the "ANIMATION" cameout and flowed well with everything else comming along, and as to improve on something like this not sure but maybe start off with adding more action scenes as suggested.

To start off you could use some more action, more action scenes, besides that i thought it was ok stuff.

Notbad kind of funny

Haha so i got a few good laughs out of this, this was pretty entertaining, the "VOICES" were great as was chris rock, the jpegs were amusing but thought you could have put abit more effort there with more real character work and not the "JPEGS" but it was still ok, You should also fix the "LOOPING" it tends to get anoying, and is an easy fix with a stop action code, But i did get some laughs out of this whole piece, very entertaining and amusing, very funny indeed, and along with the stop action code dont forget to add a replay button and this would greatly make this flash better but overall i found it funny and entertaining, nice job regardless,

The jpegs were amusing but thought you could have put abit more effort there with more real character work and not the jpegs, You could place a STOP-ACTION-CODE it will help for the looping that the flash does, it will make it so that the user presses play and at the end replay, you will also need the propper "PLAY" and "REPLAY" buttons aswell, feel free to stop by the "FLASH" Forums on the newground BBS as they will help you on how to add this script into your flash. Also if you do a search on the newgrounds flash games, for Stop action code you will turn up a bunch of tutorials on it and how to do it aswell as other great flash tutorials and how to do's good luck.

Wow big file

Wow this was a pretty good flash here was a big file though i suppose that could be worked on but with the content and all it was well worth it all, especially since it won daily 2nd and even weekly 4th, There was lots of effort that went into this by others even so i can understand it needing much of the space it did and there was so much stuff in here i couldnt just pick my fave as they all gave me a good blast in it, I love all the sprite stuff aswell that really made it even more enjoyble, So this was afantastic flash and i enjoyed it from the start, hope to see more like this, keep up the good work.

As for making this better i might suggest cutting the size abit but i understand it needed that much


Ok so this one was an interesting one, kinda bazaar with his stuff flopping around, but it was amusing atleast, The animation was notbad though, and did flow evenly throughout the flash, the guy dancing was the other funny part, some more wacky moves in there and would have been better, and i can see some effort was put into it but also understand it was more of a spam flash just to get out there, so there are lots of areas of improvment but if it was mainly for the spam style i guess there wouldnt be any more effort to make it better, so with that note good luck on your next flash may it be better with much more effort then this one, anyways good luck.

So theres alot to improve on such smoother animation, improved music and or sound/fx, and overall effort on character design.

Needs more effort

The animation on this was abit sloppy and didnt always flow that well, The characters could use some better effort aswell, i did think this had some nice ideas and such so good efffort there, but the rest does need some work espcailly with how the animation flows and the character work aswell, There was some nice effects here so some nice effort once again, overall this was pretty decent flash, but once again needs character work and animation work. sound worked pretty well so that was another plus that made it all better, Nice view shots though, anyways decent flash here, but does need that mentioned effort, good luck on your next piece.

Making this better would only help you, so maybe some suggestions might be. The characters could use some better effort aswell, i did think this had some nice ideas and such so good efffort there, but the rest does need some work espcailly with how the animation, so work on those ideas and it should be good to go.

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