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This was pretty decent

The animation could have been better on this, the artwork was not as bad either, the robots voice was pretty good and seemed to fit him well, so nice effort there, So the robot himself was pretty good looking nice design, you pushed good effort in this and had it very well orginised, if anything is to be improved on maybe some slight more detail and enhancments in the artwork, but everything else seemed right on and perfet to a point, this flash gave me some good entertainment value and even some laughs so nice work all around. anyways hope to see what you have for us next time, allthough this review is abit late from release date, anyways nice work.

The onlything i could see working on might be adding some slight more detail in the artwork, as the animation was pretty good.

Differant but amusing

First of all the "ANIMATION" was very good it ran very smooth, so that was a nice effort on getting some nice animating across, I like how you went on and above on this one, not just with the animating but the content and going beyond the normal, the amusing part is with the guys head comming off that was pretty entertaining, There was alot going on on this cartoon i did get confused with the story abit because of everything going on and such, This was such an entertaining flash, great voices and good art to go with so nice job all around on this one, i really liked it and hope others like it as much as i did, only issue was that the story tended to get abit confusing but was ok.

The story was getting confusing with everything going on, maybe slowing the story down just a tad,

Nice variarty

Seems like there was alot of contributers on this one, and i like all the differant styles of art and animation, the one thing that kind of bothered me was how long it took to load it being 13 megs and all, but even with that there was alot of "VARIATY" on this and that was pretty good i thought, I like the whole theme on this one, they were all pretty good and the last one seemed to have the best quality about it and kept me interested, So in the end outcome of this all was pretty good so i was generally pleased with all the effort from everyone, so great job, as for any changes on making this better, maybe think of how you can cut the file size down abit, anyways nice job.

The onlything was that it took awhile to load, think of how you can cut the file size down abit, everything else was pretty good.

Ablast from the past

Hmm there is so much to say about this one, i really enjoyed the beebo series especially when it first cameout so to see this up and running again was something special, always nice to see one of the old series come back alive, and you bring something new to it while still keeping in touch what made it funny. ofcourse "BEEBO" himself makes it all that much fun and entertaining, so anyways there was alot of humor and entertaining value to this so thats what i liked about it. and as i watch this anusing and funny movie it brings back memories of how newgrounds was started and with all the jpeg heads and so on, and trust me thats all a good thing thats when we got some of the great humor offlash movies and games, so i must say you did well, and you made for a good "STORY" aswell bringing in some deoth aswell, so while it is beebo you also bring a little more to the table. As for improving on things my suggestion might be to add some "SUBTITLES" not that its needed but would be a nice fetuare for this flash entry, anyways great flash series here good animation and lots of humor.

So with this i would love to see some subtitles, it was an amusing flash though.

Silly story but still entertaining

Haha ok so i got a few laughs out of this its pretty silly with the "STORY" but thats the best part about flash you can make just about anything and with a "CHAINSAW" you brang it to life wich is pretty cool, and i love the effort you put into this on taking the chainsaw into differant scnes and really just pushing the story, now take into hand it is a silly one i still enjoyed it, seems like it went on too long, but was entertaining for the mostpart, So with this you presented a good story, fun adventure and some good "SOUND/FX" all pretty good i thought, as for making things better maybe make the story somewhat shorter but not by much, Anyways decent flash here i enjoyed it.

So the story seemed to drag on a bit, maybe shortening it somewhat would be a start, i did find this to be a pretty good story though.

Pretty creative

The animation on this was very good. probably the best point of it very smooth and sharp and moved from scene to scene very nicely, The characters look interesting kinda neat the way you have it, i like the "PROGRESSION" of the film and everything with the wood it was pretty creative, There was lots of emotion in this, and it was pretty entertaining, not sure if i have seen some of your other works i may have but from this flash i will be glad to checkout your other stuff, but on this flash it was entertaining, and amusing and i had a good time watching and reviewing it, keep up the excelent work, hope to see more soon.

So as improvment ideas, i actually thought this was pretty good as is, maybe abit long, but still ok because of how good it was.

Kinda interesting

This is interesting and i guess its for a class project of some sort, The whole idea, of it being educational was ok but kinda loses interest, i suppose if you styled it up with some nice visuals,and even backround effects around the work you god, kinda gotta keep the viewer interested, some tips on making it better would be some options to move along in your flash, and even some improved music and or more of the music, So anyways for what you did present it was pretty interesting just needed abit more interesting to it, maybe the tips above and below can help to make it better, untill then good luck i liked it.

some tips on making it better would be some options to move along in your flash, and even some improved music and or more of the music, some special effects and better visuals to keep the viewer interested.


Ok so this was a lil differant, it was entertaining enough but was abit on the low end side of things on quality, the "VOICES" were ok but could have used some better direction and making the voices sound differant would have helped aswell, there was just alot of repettive-ness with the jokes and all, The "ANIMATION" could be directed alot better aswell, as it was kinda poorly handled, Some of the jokes were pretty good and i got a few lauhs but for the most part they could have been better and more creative with the humor. so there is some more effort that can be done, wich i have stated already, anyways good luck on your next piece.

There are a number of things that could be worked on >> Voices were ok but could have used some better direction and making the voices sound differant would have helped, and then there was the animation kinda sloppy and could have been abit more smoother. some of the jokes were stale could have been more creative there.

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