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Needs more to it

So for a movie submission, This had its good and bad parts. For the most part, the good out-weighed the bad, so it was an movie entry I would recommend to others in an instant, It was a simple submission / movie but still enjoyed what you have here. Hmm so this was sort of interesting, this little "LOOP" may not seem like much but its still entertaining its a small nice visual, some more effort could be done, like give some more visuals and such, or some random movie based on the nifty loop, but it was pretty good i thought. What's also amazing is how there are so many good elements in this, yet it isn't a very complicated movie entry, I will say that I am You just never knew what was going to come up next in this.

This was actually not bad, but could use a few things, to spice it up somewhat, so below i have suggested some positive advice some new ideas and even some old ideas. Add some depth and some more nifty visuals. needs more basis, more depth, needs some sort of random movie in the middle somehow.

Amusing, but needs more.

I am generally not a fan of these types movies but it had some un-expected movie fun and some nice visuals. It turned out to be actually fairly enjoyable. I appreciate you looking for originality in your work as this seemed like it. so great movie entry here. Alright this was kind of nice, the "MUSIC" was nice but kind of scratchy, and there was not much here, also this "LOOPS" so you may want to add a stop action code to stop that looping also some sort of dialog would also be great, but other then that this was an alright flash movie. It's Flash movies like this that makes me realize it's a great site and a great upload you have here, it's decent in its own right. but it's actually not that bad. It reminds of some good quality, flash that i may have seen before, with a little buzz to it.

There are a few Things to take a second look at, and i will get to those, but i would like to take this time to suggest a few ideas, maybe some advice and so on, and i hope you use it to the best of your knowledge. You could place a STOP-ACTION-CODE it will help for the looping that the flash does, it will make it so that the user presses play and at the end replay, you will also need the propper "PLAY" and "REPLAY" buttons aswell, feel free to stop by the "FLASH" Forums on the newground BBS as they will help you on how to add this script into your flash. Also if you do a search on the newgrounds flash games, for Stop action code you will turn up a bunch of tutorials on it and how to do it aswell as other great flash tutorials and how to do's good luck. Needs a tad more detail and such. add some dialog some more scenes with more character talking and so on going on.

odd and strange

I had fun with this and while not revolutionary, I love the idea of itself. I have been writing this review and come to enjoy this, It didn't seem to go with a general theme, just kind of random. It was interesting that way. Well this one was kind of strange, i like the fact that it has your music in it, you could even throw that in the audio portal but then again this is an older flash entry, you could have atleast added more "CONTENT" as there was just the one scene, but i guess it was more for the audio and such, was also abit short, so there are clearly some things that could be worked on here. Wow, that was a pretty Good flash for what it was worth. I like how you don't make it too flashy or anything, because you simply don't need to. It's a good Entry for its simplicity.

fans of this will appreciate it more, If you cleaned it up maybe added some new things just a few anyways, so i have gone ahead and suggested a few ideas for you to look at and try and implement into your system. So there are a few things you could do to make this better, add more scenes maybe have the character dance in differant ways and not just the flipping over, so it also needs some more contentand with that could be longer aswell.

Kind of short

Wow, it's not often that you stumble across a flash that's so intriging like this one you have here. This really makes me want to go back and think and check this one out again, this is something that i would suggest to friends to see. So first of all nice "INTRO" it kinda was interesting, well while tis was an older flash it was alright it was kind of "SHORT" though so there are some extra you can throw in, i mean it was over before it started so there could jsut be more overall depth toit, the sound/fx wasnotbad, and the music was alright, but i still found it to be somewhat entertaining, hope to see more soon. It's great to see so many different things. on this fine website of newgrounds and you get to see stuff like this one you have now, so props to you on something pretty interesting, So as i run through your flash more i get more excited and so on.

I would probably say it could be a little longer. Granted, length never stopped something from being great before. I knew I was in for a doozy with thisone. The film could be longer with more content more scenes and just more stuff going on.

Kinda funny

Alright you do have something here i was actually pretty impressed with what you have going on here, i did however think some extras could be added and you could change some things, but overall you have done well on this. Haha ok allthough this is kind of short i have found it pretty amsuing, its really short though so you should for sure add some more content maybe some new scenes and such. allthough this was kind of old i still found it to be pretty funny and entertaining, infact i tend to like these older flash stuff as they had some good originality to them, so nice job on that could use some more work though, some subtitles wouldnt hurt. And that was that the ending was good as we do come to the ending of this and the submission i was more impressed with how you ended it so good job there and hope to see more of your interesting and entertaining work. so keep them comming.

So this is where i may suggest some small tips and possibly some suggestions, i hope you will take a small look into some of the suggestions as they should help and if not atleast i have tried to suggest some positives. Alright so for me i thought this could have used some subtitles it will make it someting extra and doesnt hurt to have some, its just one of those little things that make it a much better flash experience. its really short though so you should for sure add some more content maybe some new scenes and such.

Something differant and fantastic.

How to start off this review of this interesting yet mystery of a flash here, you have alot going on here, some stuff i wasnot on par with but its how it was presented so you do have something decent here and i quite enjoyed what you have presented, Hard to really judge this one, but atleast i can say that the animation was pretty good, and you had a good flow of animation from here to there so that was a pleasure, Seemslike this doesnt really need much improvment as its pretty solid, so you did pretty good on this one i thought, if i may suggest anything maybe add more to it, more story and morerandomness to it making for an even better and interesting style. but anyways thats all upto you, And now the end is near in my review, while i had a fun time reviewing this i still had some confusion here but thats ok ill watch it a few more times, but for the mostpart this was notbad interesting on some parts and could be somewhat betterin others, Congrats on the awards here, that is another little nifty thing from the website that gives credit were it is deserved, and since you won some awards for this entry you deserve some praise and grats on that so congrats on the awards.

Getting to some improvments is always a hard one, but there is always room for some sort of improvments anywhere actually so with your flash i have submitted a few ideas and maybe some advice unless i dont feel there is need for any in that case you have probably done pretty good in that area, Some suggestion maybe would to make it longer add more stuff, more random stuff and so on.


an entertaining flash submission here i like the content you got going on with this one, its pretty interesting, and while its not the most perfectioned flash around i still thought it was pretty good, maybe later ill suggest some new ideas, but for now i think you did a good job on this one. Congradulations on the awards you have recieved on this flash entry, seems like you put the time and it shows with the awards, so props to you on that junction. Now this being sixteen megabites thats ok but does seem like muct at times, but you did win some awards so guess it was all worth the effort, I like the theme here with "SONIC" and all that was pretty neat, and there was some amusing jokes and you made fun and entertaining and thats all really that really made it good for me so nice effort there. Anyways good entertainment here you really know how to push the effort to the next level, and you really bring it out on the screen so nice job on this one and good effort here, And its sad that im comming close to the end of this review because i really liked what you had to offer here,

Some things here were pretty awsome, you have some alright visuals and i was pleased with most of it and while thats all pretty good, But i hope i can find some suggestions that may help and improve on this, if not then it was all a good experience here, But with this one you have everything covered well so maybe more jokes would be a plus for this, untill next time good luck.

something differant here

Its not all thetime that one comes across a flash submission like this one, its somewhat differant but has an exciting feel and touch here, As soon as this started it was something unique and differant ofcourse but thats more on the plus side of things. OK so now as i get into the review, i like what you have done here, it is for sure something "UNIQUE" and differant, one issue i didnt like much was the twelve mega bites this flash has, its not a bad thing because i know you want to get alot of info and content in there but maybe theres a way you can cut down on a large file such as this maybe some small details here and there, maybe something else, maybe even condensing the submission into a couple of parts or something. and once again i must say that was a pretty good entry something differant but i liked it for what it is, Wish there was more like this, but for what it is, its pretty interesting and entertaining ofcourse, but with all that said i hope to see more stuff from you eventually.

And so that brings us to some improvments, not always my fave part of the review but its good to have some new ideas jumping around and such, So i will do my best to suggest some new ideas maybe even some inspiration, and hope the ideasdo help, so here are some ideas, cut down on a large file such as this maybe some small details here and there, maybe something else, maybe even condensing the submission into a couple of parts or something.

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