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So this was entertaining

A decent opening scene you have here, a good start to a decent submission, allthough it could have some improved elements but for waht it is you have impressed this viewer, so keep up the decent work, and ill be an instant fan, OK so this was a nifty little toon you have here, good characters some nice animation, but really some real nice "CAMERA-SHOTS" too going from top and side shots that was a nifty thing you did there and is always nice to see that as not alot of flashes take that type of effort and such, so nice effort there, i did think it could have been abit longer though and maybe adding some "SUBTITLES" would be a great plus, but anyways nice job here and nice effort most of all nice animation. So i have enjoyed your work here today and hope to see more of it in the comming future, if you keep making stuff like this and keep improving on stuff i will ofcourse be right there to enjoy it aswell, so nice effort you have here.

And this tends to be a good part of my review because this is where i get to help in some areas maybe not but maybe there will be some idea that can help to make this submission slighty better and if not atleast i tried. The one thing i thought could be better with this one, might be to add some sort of subtitles, its not needed in some cases but maybe in this one just so you can know everything thats going on in the dial-log and all, and it makes it a better overall upgrade. also make it a tad longer maybe more story aswell.

rambojoe responds:

Yeah, the flash was a little to short that's for sure, wish rambojoe had more time to have worked on it. But we had to do this project in less than a week(for lame reasons). So it left a lot of other ideas out to dry. SUBTITLES! well if people knew half the things I said in this flash I would be in deep trouble.JK.

thanks for the review :D

Very vibrant

I really like these pieces, they may not be everyones faves, but i do like them, they bring a certain something to the table and thats what makes them differant from the rest so nice job on making this it is a decent submission and hope you make more like this one, Well i really liked this tune, first off the color was very colorfull and vibrant, and you really put the effort in with the color here, from backrounds to characters, and the animation came in handy aswell, with showing off that color, The "AUDIO" was really good aswell, great voices, anyways good stuff, I think if i was going to improve anything about this little flick, i would say maybe adding some subtitles just for the extra option, now with your tune here it really was not needed but it would be a nice option, and just some simple text would be fine. anyways good work here, i look forward to more of your work soon. You really did outdo yourself on this one, the effort does show, and you cant ask for any more then that, So keep up with these unique typs, and keep making stuff, as long as theres something to create then keep on making them,

And here is the good part, this is the part where we can improve on stuff or just show off some new and inspiring ideas that could help make this or even future stuff better so hope you will atleast look into some of these suggestions, Why not add some subtitles it would be a nice lil feature, not needed in your flash but a nifty feature would be nice.

JoeCartoon responds:

Thank you! I might just add a subtitle to the next one! Thank you! Beers! Joe

Very interesting

OK first off notbad with this one, there were some things that could be better and more detailed but maybe ill explain that later, But for the most part you have some decent work here and i wouldnt mind seeing how far you can take it. Haha this was amusing and funny, had some good "LAUGHS" with this one, but one thing i really like was that you have on the menu screen that you have a "PLAY-FROM" or "PLAY-ONLY" that was a nice option and really made it more unique over other flashes, so props to you on that little feature, And wow i must say these clip like colab, was very neat and creative toons so nice job all around, as for some improvments i think its very solid, so good job all around here, and very creative. So as we come to the conclussion well almost anyways, there was alot of fun stuff about this submission, somethings could still be better but i got some good entertainment from it, so good job, i may have some new ideas for you below.

Now you canalways improve on stuff so i may add some small tips and basic advice thatcould make this somewhat better maybe something you may like to add, so it doesnt hurt to try some new stuff atleast, but anyways here it goes, As for this one i thought it was fine, good quality work and nice effort all around, so no improvments because i thought it was pretty solid stuff.


Now its stuff like this that i really take a like too, it has all the elements and has just some unique sense about them, so you have done a good job here and while i do say that there could be more done, but i wont touch up on that yet, LOL ok so i found this one to be pretty funny, it was entertaining, it was amusing, It was kind of a short one though but still amusing, there was alot goingon but it was still pretty "WACKY" and thats a good thing because it did give me a few laughs, The "MUSIC" was also a nice touch, and it was fitting aswell, i have no real negitive points here, maybe just make it longer next time, the drawings really came to life so that was neat. And while this review will end soon, i must admit i had fun with this one, not everything was in synk together but you still did one heck of a job and the effort you put into this shows me that it took some time, so nice job overall.

And here i will suggest a few ideas maybe you can improve on a few points here and there, maybe some extra effort or maybe some small advice will help, but here are some small ideas and hope they do help as this has potential. The only tip i really have with this one, would be that it could be longer and have more drawings thru-out.

Good variaty in this one.

There seems to be alot of work that has gone into this one, but i think it was all worth it, you have something and there was some nice scenes in this all made for a great submission so i was glad i had a chance to see this, and hope to see more from you There was alot of contributors that took part in this and that seemed kinda neat there was lots of variaty, i think my fave with this one was the "ROBO-COP" one that was just a classic, each little clip didnt take very long it seems, would have been nice if you had it more on a "MENU" so you can click on some, but flowing like a movie was nice too, anyways good variaty of flashes here and i enjoyed them all, but still the robocop one still being my fave. So that was one heck of an entry and i was pretty pleased with the outcome you have impressed me today and have outdone yourself, So wish there was more of this, but i am pretty pleased on this though, so keep up the effort, and keep making these types pf things and such.

Here we are i really enjoy reviewing and really enjoy helping in some way to help make things better, So here i will post some ideas and some suggestions, maybe they will help in the longrun i do hope you use some and such, but for the mostpart, you have something good here now you just need to emplement some of the suggestive ideas here and there. There was not much to improve on this but i do wish some of these were a tad longer, and also, maybe having a menu togo to with all the differant selections so maybe you could play back some of your faves or something.

Haha cool idea

A nifty movie idea here, and i took a good liking to it so i will look forward to whatelse you can make from this and other stuff, but as for this one. you did a great job, allthough some parts could be better, and you can throw in other ideas aswell, LOL this was pretty interesting, and it was a cool idea, and good concept, it was not very long, but i guess thats what you can do when it was an idea of a toy, it was a funny one though, not sure how one can make this better as you have covered all the bases, but like i said its a good idea, it was funny and amusing, aswell as some nice animation and good humor to go along with, anyways keep up the good work. The idea was great the effort was plenty and you have made a good product, i wouldnt mind seeing more stuff like this, and hope to see what else you can make for us to be entertained, i do admire your efforts here though, and hope you aspire to make even better stuff,

So as i write this up i cant helpbut think of the many ways it can be better and improved, it probably doesnt need much, but maybe a few changes here and there, and ill just suggest a few ideas and hope they may work, but regardless it was a good flash. So maybe adding more scenes with other ideas, more characters and other options for the toy, but it was a good idea i thought.

Wow unique

So with this entry i found this one interesting and unique as some would say, Now ofcourse there are some things that you could implement in making things better, and that would give this an even better touch about it but thats for later, Wow this one is a "UNIQUE" one its has a whole differant feel of graphics and visuals that are so differant from anything i have seen sofar, It sort of ended kind of short but it was still interesting, not sure if it had a story but the visuals and animation after that wre very impressive and incredible, so some things could push this over the edge like more of a story maybe some subbies. other then that i thought it was an alright flash animation. And so there we have it i found this whole entry to be a number of things, you gave it a little bit of everything including some good quality so thats whati liked and i liked the effort you put forward, keep doing that,

OK so not everything can be improved on to perfection but i think i may have a few ideas that may help improve on this and if not then im all ok with the outcome you had, it was all a pretty good entry though, there could have been abit more buti liked it. So as suggested above in review this could use some subtitles to start off with, giving some sort of text to what was going on and such, butnot needed but would be a nice feature of any flash for subtitles. More of a "STORY" could beplayed in here aswell, but it was a unique flash regardless.

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