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And another funny and amusing strawberry clock flash, I can never get enough of these as they entertain me but the problem is you cant improve on these as they are meant to be this way, but it was notbad.

Nothing to improve on in a SBC movie


ChandlerThompson responds:

Wow, thanks for the review man! I completely forgot about this flash but I'm stoked you're still reviewing. Keep up the great critiques man, it seriously brightens an animator's day!

lol well this was entertaining but you gotta love SBC cant go wrong there and I must say I had a good laugh with this one

Maybe more detail in the backround with this one.


This was cute

Cute and Something different here, with an amusing style. Really good stuff here, kind of different here but this was pretty entertaining, all the artwork was smooth and well detailed, overall I was pleased with this and the outcome. a tad short there but again overall amusing. And now we end with this review as this was some good stuff I suggest you keep up the great work.

And so while you have a good piece of work here there might be a couple of things that might make this somewhat smoother like say making it a tad longer more content, and I would even ad some subtitle just for that extra touch and effect.


Nice intro

Great stuff here but that goes without saying some improvments could be made and i may suggest some later, but right now i want to say i had fun and was excited all the way through with this, very amusing what you had here, keep at it, So i really liked the intro you had going on this one, it presented some nice animation and was kind of long but it was kinda neat to have kinda like a lil story, Infact the animation after the bests was nice too and the first medal was pretty good. and easy. you should have a "SKIP" button to skip past the intro if you are playing the gamemore then once, unless i have missed it. The "MEDALS" seemed way too easy maybe you can add some extras that are harder, or more medlas all around. And so it comes to an end, i had an alright time with this entry, there was some nicfty and differant element of stuff, but you had some good structure about everything, and i cant wait to see what changes you do make with this one so keep at it and let it ride to glory.

So there is alot to go through and sometimes we need to improve on things we may have missed, i have suggested a few ideas that i hope you will improve on and make it all fun submission for everyone, So go with some new changes and let it flow with new experiences. Add a skip button to the long starting intro, Decent medals here i really had fun with that, still think it could use much more medals then that, just had too few medals on here, needs more.

Nice work

So this one was pretty nifty and interesting there was some nice visuals here and even some things that made me go wow, and thats always a plus, a nice job to start off. Hmm what can i say you have done this very well with lots of action a fun little story and some cute animation all rolled into one flick here that made for an amusing experience, the music made it more like a music vid which was ok, i wouldnt mind seeing some more Flashy effects, more blasts and lighting and darkening effects to give it that much more of an effect. And so that was that you have presented a nifty piece of flash here, it keeps you enjoying it and even wanting more throughout and on that note i will say it was a pleasent experience.

so while this is decent work there is always a little room for some slight changes and upgrades, but you probably dont need much since you seem to know what you are doing but i do have a few ideas that could help make this slightly better, To be honest there was not much needed, but i did mention throughout the review that adding some more flashy effects more lighting and some darkening.

I like it

So this one was an interesting piece of flash, this movie type was different then most i am use too, and i like the variaty of your style in this one. Interesting piece here there was alot of different things going hence the title being a demo reel and what not, the music chimed it well to flow well with this, the animation was notbad and, it was a subtle piece of flash and a nice flowing one. And so that was that a decent movie entry with some decent visuals of a good style that gave off a good vibe and whatnot. So overall with this one i did enjoy your piece here.

And so here i am with a few positive changes and adjustments that should make thinsg run smoother and it will give off a better effect, now you dont have to use any of the ideas i suggest but try and atleast to look into some small changes. So hard to say where to improve since it was a demo reel of sorts but, maybe you can push the music up a notch maybe changing tempos for each different scenes and whatnot, even having some sort of subtitles for different scenes and so on.

Big file but pretty entertaining.

So first off congrats on the awards thats always a nice gesture from the site, and its well rewarding especially when you make something like you have here, awards are cool and this flash was very well deserving. So this was a pretty good flash of works there was lots to see with this one, and some random and odd things going on but guess thats why i like it, it kept me interested and was overall pretty entertaining with some slight amusment in some areas and even more in others, So good flash entry here.So i was pretty amazed at how large the file was, that has to be one of the largest size was of a file i have seen here, guess thats why it took forever to load up and all, But once you get past the loading time it really is a good quality submission, I must say that the "VOICES" were pretty fantastic, the "HUMOR" however was abit on the dry side and could use for some more humor and more jokes and such, It was pretty good i like all the differant characters they had some good personality and made for a good film there was only a few issues that could be better.

And now we come to the end here well almost and what i took away from the experience here was that it was pretty interesting some stuff could be made better and have more entertaining value, but thats all explained later, but for the most of this i liked it, so good work here. And so we come to the improvments portion of the flash submission, wich is not always the easiest but i guess ill start with saying that it was a pretty solid flash, but could still use some adjustments and some small changes here and there, in some cases it may need more changes, so hope you will take some of these ideas to light. so with this one i thought it could use some more "HUMOR" and more funny jokes, while it was funny and amusing It could have been abit more on the funny side of things. And then there was the rather large file it was ok but took forever to load up and thats something you should think about in the future maybe some adjustments and some condencing of graphics here and there could help, these are just a few things that could help lower the file size, maybe even making it into more then one part or two, but just something to think about when it comes to size. So anyways just some helpfull tips on making things slightly better.

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