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So as I sit here and get ready to write this review, I am already decided that you have put some decent effort and you gave some good Focus to alot of this and in trying to make it really good, inwich I think you have acomplished. so from start to finish I was amused and entertained, keep up the good effort and good style. You did put a scary mode and feel into this as soon as the opening scene starts up nice visuals and overall really came together, the vices are pretty good but there is some "STATIC" when you get some high pitched voices. You have an idea here and something decent here, I had fun with this one but it could use some more effort as suggested below and above and hope those ideas help to make it even better for all, but even as it is it was pretty decent if you ask me, keep up the decent efforts though. And hope to see more of your flash-works sometime soon.

Ok here is some insight on a few positive ideas and some things I saw that could be looked into, So lets really jump start this flash with some new and old ideas, That can make for some positive changes. there was some static on high pitched sounds so maybe some sound quality work.


FleckoGold responds:

I figured as much about the sound, when I listened to it later on. I agree. I've thought about putting more hours into audio practices, I could probably get good at it, but as it stands, now, I'm mainly "visually oriented", creatively.

Thanks for the info. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've kept at it since this cartoon's release. I feel I've made a lot of headway in my style, and I'm looking forward to releasing a new cartoon as soon as I can get that remaining time into it.



lol well this was notbad it was kind of amusing but it was entertaining, I thought you could have added more content and whatnot, maybe even some details in the bunny like characters or other types of shades and whatnot.

As explained above some more shades in characters, and some more content.



Well so its not all the time you see flash works like this especially in a movie form so i was actually suprised with how you presented this and how you let it flow from start to the end, So in that aspect of things it actually does get off to a decent start. Very good "AUDIO" pn this one and the animation was brilliant, as you move from one scene to the next it gets even better, Really nice Concept infact at times there was some surprising elements that made this that much better, so now we can see you are capable of bringing fourth some interesting and unique ideas full of life and beyond.

In this little area of the review you can try some new ideas or even some old tricks of the past, but regardless lets try and improve on a few things and make this even better. Now here is one of those flash types that could do well from some subtitles now dont get me wrong this does not need subtitles but it would be something extra and nice for the viewer. So maybe adding some subtitles would be a big plus here.



Lol well I must admit this was pretty entertaining, and you found a good song to go with some simple animation and it seems to have worked well here, allthough the art designs here could be more refined and what not, but regardless it was amusing, so notbad work.

Well the art designs here could be more refined bring in more art designs on the backrounds and such.


Lol funny

This was very funny and the voices was pretty good sure was a lot of voicing but seems like it was all worth it, the animation and visuals were simple yet kind of neat also like the back to the future theme song ish,

The best thing you can do here is add some subtitles, im not really saying anything is wrong with the voices but sometimes it can be, so adding some subtitles wouldnt hurt, and besides it would be a nice little option for viewers and such, and you can even go farther and have a toggle option for people who chose to have it on or off. anyways good flash.


hmmm ok

Well not so sure this was much of a story or anything going on besides some animated images and such but I guess this was clock day, it was amusing to the least, so anyways interesting flash you have here.

More animation, more content, more story would really push this up a tad.


Kind of random

The animation is nice but not awesome, Doesnt mean it cant be awsome its actually decent work and is in a pretty goos shape of quality, B utit still needs some Tweaking there and here and all around for some better outcomes It does have some interesting and entertaining things. all about it though and thats what drew me to this. Haha this was actually pretty cute, and I really like the random including all the different characters from old games and whatnot that made for some good viewing. You really did outdo yourself on this one, the effort does show, and you cant ask for any more then that, So keep up with these unique types, and keep making stuff, as long as theres something to create then keep on making them, You have something good here and as long as you can keep the Momentum going it will be worthwhile to the fullest.

Its always good to experiment with ideas here and there even when overused and there is ofcourse always Plenty of room to Include a few helpful ideas that can make a flash like this much better. You have outdone yourself here I dont think you should touch it but if anything is suggested I would suggest some extra larger "VIEW-SCREEN" but other then that its pretty solid.


This was amusing

There are various words I could say about this flash entry, but I think what comes to mind Mostly is that it brings some good enjoyment and has alot of entertainment value, Now I wont say its perfect by any means but I did find it to be a pretty decent and fun movie and i would recremend this to most people who enjoy this kind of stuff. This was interesting and funny at the same time, but it was amusing on the eyes and the ending was notbad at all, a funny flash all around, maybe use some subtitles. You have a decent Showcase here a Definite one to checkout again, you Produce it and the Overall results are a positive one Devoted fans aswell, so nice job all around.

You can do a lot with simple ideas and your film would be better off for it, Infact you can get a lot of impact from the most simple of ideas so try some things out here. subtitles are always nice to have, even if it is not hard to understand its always a nice option to have, now its even better when you cant understand whats being said, then the subtitles come in very handy.



Ok so those voices are just different, gets really high pitched and scratches on the mic, but regardless it was a good design of characters, the convo's between these characters and the audiance was a nice concept, I wouldnt mind seeing some subtitles, but it was a decent flash.

So while this was amusing Add some subtitles, not sayong its hard to understand but for some it can be, so adding some subtitles would help and just make some subtitles, so that viewers have the option of viewing it with understanding better but its always a nice feature to have. but anyways nice entry.


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