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Cure lil Flash

I like this it had alot of good points some things could be worked on and such, but you gave it all the elements that I come to enjoy in flash like this, so great start here on something pretty interesting, lol ok so I would say thats a pretty short, short, not really a bad thing but maybe adding other short, shorts would be a big plus on this, but it was an amusing flash. After messing with this abit I found it to be a really decent and fun flash, allthough it did lack some stuff, it could still be better, So I have mentioned some ideas and even basic stuff that other flash like this one have so below in the improvments section may help good luck either way. and may all your flash-works comeout with as much effort as possible.

This is the type of flash that you can fully go with imagination and whatnot, So here are some options and a few tricks along with some extras that could go along ways. A better "TITLE" page not the logo but the white backround seemed too bland. A short animation you have here, maybe abit too short I would say to improve on the flash as a whole either make this one longer with much more content or, add more shorts in here such as about 3-5 short short animatins that way it doesnt seem like a waste of one flash space and also you get more viewing for alot of your work instead of just one piece



Nice entry you have here, I realize you were aiming for a certain style with this, and thats cool and it has come out kind of unique, it was an interesting flash submission, and I was drawn to this, so I was not easily bored with this, would like to see more of this and see it go furhter and even deeper, while still keeping some quality to it. ok so this was interesting, the art on the characters was pretty impressive and the "EFFECTS" were even better, all around a good job here, this did seem kind of short more like a "TRAILER" of shorts. I really look forward to seeing more stuff like this, untill then keep working on great stuff. nothing else to say except keep up the effort in this one and future flash stuff you have planned.

I Encourage you on some of these ideas, it will ad more Exposure So there can be alot of different things you can do to improve on things But maybe all this really needs is some tweeks and some possible new situations but maybe you can try a few suggested things. I would ad a tad more bit of content to give more detail on whats going on or going to see, something to give the viewers something to be waiting for in any type of full version.


hrechkaness responds:

I feel like you tried your hardest to actually be NON descriptive lol. Still holding the title for number one newgrounds reviewer? I think you've done a couple of my animations in the past. Hope this wasn't just bot spam tho.....


Haha this was amusing for sure, I belive that some "SUBTITLES" would be great for this, you have some nice characters here and nice theme with star trek and rapping up music, lol.

One thing I have found that vocals are great in any flash but subtitles along with those vocals make it a much better experience, So this is something you should think about adding, and it would be a nice option and make your flash abit more quality based. anyways nice effort.


lol ok

Well this was interesting the pre loading flashing was amusing I suppose, the best advice here is just ad more content lol, it was amusing though,

So as stated above this needs much more content and removing the flashing would be a point in the right direction.


Um ... OK

Well ok this was a tad odd it seems to be a "LOOP" of a very very short flash no animation at all on this one at all just some images changing around so there can be some work put in here.

So here with this one it lacked some visuals and more animation so you can add more of that to give it more of a fuller flash feel. So this one seems to have a Repeating Loop and while that may be amusing it tends to just be anoying but you can fix that by adding a Stop Action Code in the flash script, just something to think about. anyways good luck on your flash journey.


Funny stuff

So first off let me start by saying its a pleasure to see stuff like this, given that its not perfect and is not the worst either But it was Cleverly done, And there are some areas that can be worked on for improvment but. Lol well this was funny and amusing flash. it takes me back to playing those games back in the day, but as for this film it was good art design, nice voices and overall fun humor. With all that said you cando alot more with this I have made a few suggestions and I do hope they help to improve on this, now dont get me wrong you have something decent here and the effort shows but could still use a few more additions of stuff and so on, so go ahaead and give some new ideas a try. And hope to see some of those changes in the future or even on something new you may be working on.

And so this one kind of reminds me of a birthday party you can never be too sure of things, so you need to prepare, Just like in flash checking everything is a must and here are a few things that could be checked out. Hmm hard to improve on something that is very good, but if anything add more funny moments maybe even have a "BEHIND-THE-SCENES" section or even "BLOOPERS" anyways nice work.


Nice work

You really do have something going on here these are like a huge movie and you fill it with detail and such, I like the options you give these like the "LANGUAGE" options, great visuals and this can really lock you in.

Again I would think that a larger view screen would be a plus here, maybe even short up these epsiodes since they are pretty long.


Very impressive

What can I say about this, its an ok submission, has its ups and downs, Some stuff can be Utilised better with content and such, But this entry certainly Has some good potential about it and can go even furtjer then it already is, and i do look forward to more of this, but anyways now for more details into this entry. Well you have outdone yourself on this one and have impressed this reviewer, I even like the added "SUBTITLES" there was some really nice visuals here, very well done work. After seeing and messing with this one I thought it was great, its a decent flash there is room for improvment, and you should think about adding some new stuff as mentioned below and even in the above review lines, it will be great for all, anyways keep up the work I like the effort you put in sofar, and look forward to seeing more.

I believe there are various little issues here or there that can be cleaned up, certainly there may be ways for ideas old and new to be Utilised somehow Not much is Required on yourpart either but lets look into a few things here. You did well on the flash overall I would only suggest maybe a lerger "VIEW-SCREEN" anyways untill next time.


Nice work here

so from the get-go I really thought this was good, and I was unexpectedly taken back with how good it really was, so that for sure shows your effort and time put into this, There are various ideas and tips you could go about and make this even better, I would love to see that happen, Now Criticisms aside Its a decent flash entry shows your skills and effort. A good action flick you have here you even added some randomness to it and then with the good music it really pushed this into the next level, so nice job. Great flash here, I really like what you did here and the Effort does show, there was a few things that could be made better and some extra effort on your part would, theres.

So I may have a few pointers on this production here discussing how one can Apply possible new ideas, not expecting a full Makeover or anything but lets see what we come up with. Add more "EFFECTS" especially with all the fight scenes that would be a big plus.



A good flash here I thought, its interesting how this starts off, pretty interesting, and i got some good entertainment value from this, I really like how this cameout from start to finish. Keep with the creativity and making things unique, like you have done here. This was a very positive flash, with afew tweaks it can be even better. I like this black and white touch with this one and this one had a dark feel to it and with the strange idea here it really came to an interesting piece very nice job here this one will go on my faves list. And with this flash it was actually pretty good, I liked the effort you put forward on this but there are still a few more things here and there that could make it even better, ihave posted a few ideas i hope they help to improve on this so good luck, and I hope to see improvments soon, or in the near future. But untill then this was a decent piece of flashworks.

So even as Advised by others you have an Envision about this flash maybe we can Visualize that same concept and Include some helpful Factors that will make this look and feel smoother. I would say add more of that color in there and give it its own touch.


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