A good flash here I thought, its interesting how this starts off, pretty interesting, and i got some good entertainment value from this, I really like how this cameout from start to finish. Keep with the creativity and making things unique, like you have done here. This was a very positive flash, with afew tweaks it can be even better. I like this black and white touch with this one and this one had a dark feel to it and with the strange idea here it really came to an interesting piece very nice job here this one will go on my faves list. And with this flash it was actually pretty good, I liked the effort you put forward on this but there are still a few more things here and there that could make it even better, ihave posted a few ideas i hope they help to improve on this so good luck, and I hope to see improvments soon, or in the near future. But untill then this was a decent piece of flashworks.
So even as Advised by others you have an Envision about this flash maybe we can Visualize that same concept and Include some helpful Factors that will make this look and feel smoother. I would say add more of that color in there and give it its own touch.