Really good quality
You have some good Material here with this submission, I was taken back with some of the stuff that was going on but it was all in good fath, This is a great Discovery here on the portal, and I wish more artists and designers would go more of this rout and such, But anyways this was done Wonderfully and showed the time and effort you have put fourth here. I have to say these characters are very good, awsome textures awsome details and the animation was very imressive good detail, and you also made the "STORY" come alive, it was a tad "SHORT" but still very impressive. To Produce something like this does take work, A little more detail, and something more to attract more of the attention and so on, but anyways it was a decent submission. I like the Momentum of this submission.
I always like to suggest some positive ideas and outlook, on some good stuff here in the portal, and this one caught my eye, Only thing I can say about this one would be to make these a tad bit longer.