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Wellmad So this one here was pretty wellmade was not very long but it was great with the expressions on the characters face and the music fit so well, I give you credit Its certainly something differant Nice little animation and it was cute


Mega-Man at christmas lol this was pretty creative A fun toon with some nice details and action ofcourse, Mega man is one of those characters you can never get tired of and brings in lots of fun times and memmories and thats what I got from this one


This was a cute animation with a funny halloween theme going on here it was quick and short but made for a few chuckles the art and character detail was nice so nice animation here on this one, I had a blast with this halloween theme here


Entertaining Well you cant go wrong with some mega man and what you have graced us with here is one fantastic adventure with the one and only mega man, a fun toon with some nice details and action ofcourse, besides all that good stuff it was a nice entry for sure.


Cool mega man film here but was pretty short but the flow of animation and the funky music really fit well wish there was more you could do with this like some added scenes and whatnot, but you cant go wrong with some fun mega man lol



Some cute characters in this one you have raised the bar on this entry the subtitles are a nice feature But I think they should be larger and maybe a base backround behind them, but besides that this was a pretty funny toon great characters and entertaining



A yoshi dance and even break dancing lol this was pretty cool I think some added flashing lights in the backround would have been really nice too, anyways a nice animation with yoshi good animating too anyways keep up the good work



So this was very nice first off want to say the art style and design of the characters was different and unique, you sure do know how to produce some interesting submissions here and this one was a pretty nifty one its an interesting movie style that you have created, The animation itself was nice nothing crazy but has some nice texture and great character work, I especially like how well this movie flows along As for the rest it was all a good film and I really enjoyed what you have presented here, A nice animation here something different and unique


Nice animation

So this is some nice animation here very good flow of the character and it was a cute animation here, wouldnt mind some added subtitles but besides that the character work was great in this and some nice fresh use of color too


Nice story

So this was a good film here it was a tad short but you really put some depth into this has some style the animation was nice and some good detail again just wish it was longer


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