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Well this was an interesting animation, the flow of "ANIMATION" was really slow and choppy, not sure if its something you can fix now since this is an older flick, but it is what it is, adding sound would be a huge plus for improved ideas for this one, anyways nice work.

adding sound would be a huge plus for improved ideas for this one


Cute animation

Haha well I have to say that this was a cute animation you have here the "GRAPHICS" was pretty good actually very good, the film itself was plain and simple but to the point, the "MUSIC" fit perfectly so all in all this was notbad but my tip for this one is that you could make it longer maybe the guys head rolls all over town under cars maybe a dog finds it etc, anyways nice work.

my tip for this one is that you could make it longer maybe the guys head rolls all over town under cars maybe a dog finds it etc


Pretty good stuff here

I love the "CRUMPLED" paper as the backround you should ad more props back there maybe a pencil or other elements even some colored crumpled paper would be cool, So you have some nice work here the animations are always so smooth and flow well with the animation all the different things happening it makes for some good entertaining fun, you seem to have a lot of these episodes not a bad thing, maybe the shorter ones you could bunch up together in one entry, but anyways nice job here keep up the fantastic work and I look forward for more. I found this flash to be pretty decent now ofcourse there are some things that can bemade better and much more improved those details are explained later, but do try and put some of the ideas in effect as they will only make things better, but anyways decent flash I had fun with them, and most of all keep up the fantastic flash work.

you should ad more props back there in the backround along with the nifty crumpled paper, maybe a pencil or other elements even some colored crumpled paper would be cool


Great and entertaining

The "VOICE" was low sounding but the "INTRO" music was fin so maybe it can be readjusted or something, An entertaining piece ofcourse well submission I mean but you cant but fall in love with sergio and all his antics that he brings to the front desk lol, You have executed the humor Exceptionally well and thats one of the things I really like this one, but anyways good epsiode once again. And so there you have it another entry submitted with some interesting and odd happenings but those are the ones I like, it was not the perfect of submissions but you still added a twist here and there, and I generally enjoyed your presentation, I guess this type of flash may only target a certain market of viewers but guess thats ok too. Great Work As expected Love it, And I am quite a fan of your work now based on this submission, My only thought on this one is that you keep making stuff like it, it was a fantastic piece of work, And I look forward to more of your fine work.

Some sound issues but you already know this from past reviews.


Classic newgrounds

Well I have to say that this was one of the old classics of newgrounds it got saved and is with us forever lol, its "AMUSING" to see now a days, my advice for this one is for sure to ad some backround and some smoother animating but Im assuming it was just a test.



So this was pretty cool, VNV Nation is a good band and they have some good sounds the visuals were notbad I think you could have made this longer with a few more visuals, and putting a stop action script on the start of the frames would stop the loop, but anyways nice work you have here.

I think you could have made this longer with a few more visuals, and putting a stop action script on the start of the frames would stop the loop


Cute lil movie

So this was a cute little movie you have here it seems to "LOOP" and since its in flash you could probably still fix that but besides that this was actually pretty entertaining it was a bit short I could see you adding more language phraises to it as a suggestion ofcourse.

I could see you adding more language phraises to it as a suggestion



Wow you really outdid yourself here the "NARRATING" was amazing wouldnt mind some subtitles to ad some extra measure, Cute scenes even with the lil jester great backround scenes and visuals, So visiting the portal is like going to a big casino there are somany slot machines and tables, somany shiny and interesting sounds, And so when I find something like this in the portal it puts a smile on my face because its like I am back in the casino once again.

wouldnt mind some subtitles to ad some extra measure


Cool animation

So here you had a good idea I love the old "STYLE" everything flowed well, some type of dialog would have been great on this, Now this was a Refreshing entry and a good Attempt of randomness aswell as bringing a good concept fourth, its a Victory in my book and I like the overused ideas that are enhanced.

some type of dialog would have been great on this


Very cool flick

So this was a good "FLICK" I love how the guy just "POPS" out and narrates a tad bit that was a nifty idea, I was getting a little lag at first maybe its the intense graphics not sure if it was on my end or graphics anyways nice film here, This is the most refreshing hands down movie of the day that I have seen today, And I really like the direction you have started with this one.

I was getting a little lag at first maybe its the intense graphics not sure if it was on my end or graphics anyways nice film here.


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