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Good film

Wow this was a cool film I really like the animation was really solid the idea and concept is brilliant and probably related to a lot of people and congrats on all the awards you made a nice film and got rewarded for it so congrats to you on such an achievement anyways very good work nice visuals and overall a good concept I hope you keep up the good work


Haha nice

Wow I have to say this was really nice you really pushed for some nice elements on this one and I have to say it was really funny throughout but mostly at the end that was one fantastic ending of the animation clocks and 300 can't go wrong with that and you really made it entertaining so I was happy with everything anyways keep up the good work I look forward to even more from you


This one was strange

I have to say this was a strange one it had some strange moments and it not being a clock film but then again does it was just all strange and odd but it's related to clocks in someway or another I actually like the subtle approach of the animation and such I like your idea and concept here this was a decent film you have here very good indeed I love the work you do here anyways nice job



This was a cartoon but you really made it seem like a real movie just needs some opening credits at the start and ending, the tutles were pretty funny and seemed to get mad easy lol, So you have presented something nice here and I can see there is a tad more room for changes, this sort of reminded me of a big event at the box office or something, anyways good start here, and I really do look forward to more I could even see you make a good series out of the snapping turtles, anyways nice film.

you really made it seem like a real movie just needs some opening credits at the start and ending, I could even see you make a good series out of the snapping turtles


Nice animation

Another cute one you have here, he woke up from a "SLEEP" and was kind of mean or grumpy lol, Anyways I think you should ad some colored paper as a backround of some sort, And once again you have some nice animation here smooth and flows so well it was a brilliant little animation you have here and seems to have a good folowing so nice work on this indeed, and I for sure want to see more, Would love a bit more action though but still nice work here. OK so while this review is almost comming to an end I found this flash submission to be fun somewhat entertaining, it had some good visuals and showed some of your effort put into this, so keep at it as this was notbad at all. Keep making great lil animations like you have done here.

I think you should ad some colored paper as a backround of some sort


Oh that sergio

Notbad work on this one, this particular one the sound quality was a tad low maybe thats something that could be polished up more, Even adding subtitles might help with this, Haha well I can never really get enough of sergio, but he always brings the best out in everyone just as this series does and this episode is just an example of what that all entitles, his jokes could be better but they still give me a good laugh, and chuckle, So great flash flick you have here, and nice effort all the way across, something simple to a great showcase and for that I give you props, anyways nice work done here. But anyways keep making these I enjoy sergios end results lol.

this particular one the sound quality was a tad low maybe thats something that could be polished up more, Even adding subtitles might help with thi


Very cute

Wow really "CUTE" and adorble with this one right from the start with the "FLASHY" colors and scratchy backround effects very good element here and the "MUSIC" as ever always uplifting with a nice tune, as for some improvment on this one I could see you adding some more effects on some cool moments, but anyways really good animation, So I do hope the rest of this is entertaining and even more interesting, You sure do seem to know what you are doing to bring fourth some positive efforts and success, you have a swell idea with this one.

as for some improvment on this one I could see you adding some more effects on some cool moments really jumping out at you flashy effects.



The "BIG" Smiley face was kind of different but shows how you do bring in some nifty ideas, he was really funny and what he was saying lol, You should make more Smiley face apearances lol, Sergio always at his best here, I can honestly never get enough of sergio as he always brings out some entertaining humor and the cast he has with him makes up the balance you should really bring on his sister much more she is also a great cast member, This is Perhaps one of the most interesting movie types I have seen in a while, when I first came across it! What I found good about this was how you can learn alot from a simple flash such as this one. This actually reminds of another flash I checked out, Some parts could have more of a Refine about it, but you did an awsome job. There is always ways to Grasp the audiance you do Showcase the Overall best parts of the flash Add details and always make the best flash movie you can and in the end it will be well worth the effort.

You should make more Smiley face apearances lol



So this one is amazing work, first of all, all the "NEON" and vibrant colors are really a nice idea and really make this a fun film so props to you on that aspect of things, All the different "VISUALS" really make this an artistic feel and vibe the "COLOR" is just amazing, Im an instant fan with this one and would love for you to expand on this maybe more simualr ones maybe a story out of it even though it had a sort of story, So with me im trying to always give something back and positive, And I do say if your going to do something then make it matter, and with a few exceptions you have done just that, So nice direction sofar.

would love for you to expand on this maybe more simualr ones maybe a story out of it even though it had a sort of story


A great vibe from this submission

The "RAY-GUN" was a cute idea this is something you should do more of like adding more themed prop items for future ones, So I get a great vibe from these series not sure how long you will take it, but its very entertaining and you bring the fun and make it real, you make something simple and make it intense, I love this for all the elements you bring to the table, a very nice entry, And so we come to the end of the review, a decent flash works here, some nice and entertaining stuff to see, and while it was not perfect of even the best I have seen on this site, I must still say that I was pleasently pleased with the outcome and glad it had some humor to it, so on that astrospect of things it was a decent flash movie submission. So again nice work here there are some things that can always be worked on but I will leave that for later but this was pretty nice and entertaining if you ask me.

Ray gun was a cute idea this is something you should do more of like adding more themed prop items for future ones


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