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Wow nice

So this was something "AMAZING" you have some good artistic talents and the fact you did this in "PIXEL" was another amazing idea here, it plays as a music video was really nice it was pleasent, I suggest make more of these types this particular piece does not need any changes it was a beautiful piece, So that was one heck of an entry and i was pretty pleased with the outcome you have impressed me today and have outdone yourself, So wish there was more of this, but i am pretty pleased on this though

I suggest make more of these types this particular piece does not need any changes it was a beautiful piece


maruki responds:

Thank you for your kind words! I hope to have the opportunity to work on more projects like this one in the future!

Very Cool Series

I love all the characters here the "VOICE" work is amazing, I think some added subtitles would be cool, I have enjoyed "REVIEWING-YOUR-WORKS" here and do wish there was more to this but it was still fun and entertaining, The entertainment value is always high with this series you always have some nice details "FUNNY-MOMENTS" and ofcourse some amazing visuals and fun scenes.

I think some added subtitles would be cool


Haha nice one

The "TECHNICAL-DIFFICULTIES" scene was pretty good even if it did go on for a long time lol, but anyways good episode regardless of the tecnical difficulties, So sergio is at it again with all these moments and now that I have seen a few of these, these are pretty good and they have truly grown on me I do think you could ad much more depth to the characters and make more adventures like you have with a few of the episodes and such.

Would have loved more visual animations on this one.


Cant go wrong with sergio

Another "TIME-TRAVEL" episode I like these time travel episodes this one was pretty fun here make more of these types, So you really cant go wrong with sergio films he brings some enjoyment with all that he brings to the studio and once in awhile some of his cast bring out some of the better jokes and all that makes it fun and entertaining so nice job here and nice episode on this one.

I like these time travel episodes this one was pretty fun here make more of these types


Cool beans

The "INTRO" was rather long I think if you made the intro somewhat shorter and added more clips here and there, These are very entertaining, wish you made more of these as it is you already have over four hundred of them thats a nice milestone in itself, these "DAILY-TOONS" braught so much humor and hate at the same time but at the end of the day they made us all chuckle and laugh.

I think if you made the intro somewhat shorter and added more clips here and there,


A cute animation

Well this was a cute animation here really nice "CHARACTERS" and some really amusing humor in this the scene with the "DRAGON" was rather amusing and funny, I really liked the work here, Hope you make more of this, I would suggest some subtitles might be a nice option, anyways nice animation.

I would suggest some subtitles might be a nice option


Jease responds:

Thank you for the feedback, I did put in some subtitles for the Youtube version, but did not find the feature here. I should include them in the video next time.

Another Daily

Ha This one was kind of "CRAZY" but it was pretty entertaining, make more and ad more flicks to the one submission, I remember when these films were so active back in the day and they bring back all sorts of fun memories, seems like the last one was sometime in "2014" or around there, but anyways I like the randomness on these and all the contributers that helped make this work at its best.

make more and ad more flicks to the one submission


Nice characters

So you have a nice character base here the "VOICES" were pretty good too I love the envirment on this too, you have a nice toon here my take on this might be to ad some subtitles, so nice job overall. It does show that you have Contributed alot to this Nevertheless Additional improvments could be added maybe ill have some ideas for you.

you have a nice toon here my take on this might be to ad some subtitles



Ad more videos and clips atleast one more two more would be even better, You have managed to pop one out every day or every other day worth over 400 films thats an achievment all on its own, And I do wish there was more of these to see in this modern day but they still do give off a chuckle here and there with some nice humor and "AMUSING" films.

more videos and clips atleast one more two more would be even better



Well first off the "GRAPHICS" was really amazing here some really nice visual effects in this one, it was very short though and on that note I would suggest making this much longer, anyways hope to see longer versions more full movie types with this content would do very well.

Make this longer sometime.


Furas responds:

Thanks a lot! Yeah, many of you have told me that. This need to be longer to work itself as a short, but as I said in the post, it's just a part of my reel and I didn't pretend it to be more actually. But I'm cosidering make something bigger from this.

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