Some nice character in this funny voice All this really needs is some subtitles lol really good ending here you have a nice idea with this funny character, anyways nice film here.
make more
Some nice character in this funny voice All this really needs is some subtitles lol really good ending here you have a nice idea with this funny character, anyways nice film here.
make more
An awsome music video
I love the fact that you added subtitles the visuals and animation that goes along with it very interesting, A fun Music video here and I hope you make more An awsome music video you have created it has some nice stylish elements and was a fun and refreshing submission very nice indeed.
Well this was interesting but still have to say that this was a fun yet random film with all sorts of stuff going on you really pushed the randomness on it and as it says being restoreed still had a nice visual of choices so overall some good stuff here
Really none needed as this was pretty random and fine as is.
Wow a madness film with some 3-D element the music was kicking as always you really seem to know what you are doing in this one and made for an amazing madness film hope you do continue this one on, but regardless this was some amazing work indeed.
just make more
Um ok
Well this was ok lots of video and somewhat comical it was what it is, entertaining yes would love to see more creative elements but you gave me a chuckle anyways nice job.
Is ok home slice, thanks for the compliment
Music video for the ages
really nice work here and great music video its a music video of the ages as I may call it, you really know how to make it work well with the music too as it was really a nice tune indeed and the visuals of this really match up so nice job indeed cant wait for even more.
Really nice
So this was really good somewhat shorter then I had thaught but you had made something pretty good really love the detail within the characters I may suggest maybe some subtitles anyways nice film it was good.
maybe subtitles
Nice movie
So this was a nice and simple movie that you have created its simplistic and nice flowing with some nice action but nothing too crazy and thats why I liked it so nice job indeed you have a nice talent of ideas and hope you make even more down the road.
make more of these
A cool music video
A nice video almost feel like you could ad the words or subtitles and could be longer, these kinds of animations and videos are really creative and different from the normal animation so this one was a pleasure and something really nice to see and it was an honor to review very good visuals here on this one so nice job indeed and hope to see more.
feel like you could ad the words or subtitles and could be longer
Well a nice easter moment or related anyways the film was a good idea and you have something interesting ideas so all around something fun
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