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This was really "CUTE" I love the fact that all the "MARIOS" were multiplied, Seems like a good scene and seems like you could really make a long animated series based off of this one, im an instant fan of this film, So there is not enough Compliments to go around for this, but i was Thrilled with it from the start to end, And now the idea is to just Sustain the entertainment to the fullest, but welldone sofar.

seems like you could really make a long animated series based off of this one


dibunt responds:

I don't know about a long series (as I have my own projects), but i do have planned another one of these!

Entertaining toons

And here we have another great daily toons, you put in some random and unique ones on this daily toon, there are some really nifty artists that really make some unique stuff, but anyways I really enjoy this series and love all the different styles of animations and videos.

Change up the animation in each one so its not the same in all three.



Wow I found this "MOVIE" to be cute and "ADOBLE" I love all the "DIFFERENT" animation and small little actions it was cute and refreshing piece, it was kind of short but in this case you really filled it with color and a live bunch of characters, the scenes after the credits was a nice little behind the scenes, I thaught more of those could have been extended but anyways, You have for sure used your Creative skills on this, but anyways keep up the good work i like your style and effort. And so i was pleased with that, you made on this film, You have a Vivid imagination and its nice to see it come alive on the screen.

the scenes after the credits was a nice little behind the scenes, I thaught more of those could have been extended


ChutneyGlaze responds:

Hmm you liked the behind the scenes stuff you say... Thank you I'm keeping that in mind!

Nice action

So there was some nice "ACTION" in this film here, lots of detail and some amazing characters love the effects too you really went all out on this one, I was really impressed with how much energy this movie really has, so all I can say for advice on this one was it was impressive.

so all I can say for advice on this one was it was impressive


Nice Video

Wow this was really nice, its like a "MUSIC" video but a really pleaent one and I found all the visuals delightful, the art and animation on this one was pretty good, really nice animation here very good stuff, and theres lots of energy here, and the dog scene was just fine.

make more like this one.


Nifty toons

Haha ok that animated "SHAFT" was funny I didnt se a back button on the shaft animation, So this was some nice "NIFTY" toons you had not all of the entreis are perfect but they dont need to be either but I will say this one had a bundle of joy and some entertaining visuals with all that you have presented here some really nice entries if I do say so myself.

I didnt se a back button on the shaft animation


Love the action

So there was a lot of "ACTION" in this you also made it funny aswell, it was a long movie too but was really entertaining, you have some good talent and you show it off well in this film here, I have no ending remarks on this for improvment because you did an outstanding job here, so keep it up.

I have no ending remarks on this for improvment because you did an outstanding job here


Another great toon

Well there could have been some longer ones but overall decent, And as always another great toon you have here some brilliant ideas here while these films you present are never perfect by any means they bring a sense of humor and randomness and thats what really makes this series fun the "WACKY" and creazy themes, very swell submission here.

there could have been some longer ones but overall decent


Really nice

The animation on this was "GOOD" the "STORY" was even better on this onem your art style is notbad here, you have a good film here the links voice could be a bit faster tempo, but overall this was a great film here, you should make more of these types, anyways nice job.

you should make more of these types



This was a real intense "FILM" love the action in this the "GRAPHICS" was pretty good too love the opening scene with the little girl or kid, the side view shots in this was pretty amazing, Dont think anything should be changed about this but do make more to it, anyways nice movie.

Dont think anything should be changed about this but do make more to it


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