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So this was cool I remember these time trials and this one here of a life of an egg was kind of interesting some nice visuals its nice to see all the artists contribute on something like this it was pretty nice and funny of a film so nice job here

no major changes it was some solid work.



The characters in this were very "CUTE" lots of nice animated scenes aswell, The idea was great the effort was plenty and you have made a good product, i wouldnt mind seeing more stuff like this, and hope to see what else you can make for us to be entertained with

No changes needed this was just very good now make more soon.


A fun series

Another great episode here, still think some subtitles on these would really work well with this series specificly this epsiode not because its hard to understand but just as a nice fature option, this particular episode seemed kind of short, So a fun series you have here, the series has come along very well and there is some good quality Sublo and Tangy are kind of nifty and unique in there own way, "THIS-SERIES-BRINGS-ON-SOMETHING-NEW-AND-DIFFERENT" but its the funny characteristics of your main characters here that really make me enjoy this for waht it is.

still think some subtitles on these would really work well with this series specificly this epsiode not because its hard to understand but just as a nice fature option


Very nice

So I didn't know there was this series around but have to say it was pretty good and you have some good vibe about this series the characters are good the animation is decent and it all seems to flow along just great you have some nice ideas here and it's fun I really like these characters too some really nice work all the way around so nice job indeed anyways no changes here this was pretty good stuff

Nice series you have here a fun charchter base too no changes needed just make more



Drowns his sorrows here you have some nice details in this one and the story takes on a twist even a great charchter you have here and I love the noir element and effect on this one so keep up the amazing work as always

Make more like this


Wow nice

So you have somany of these episodes I love the whole black and white element here it's very noir and you just don't see those types anymore but I do have to say this was pretty good stuff a nice story here anyways nice film

A nice black and white theme and good story no changes needed


Very nice

And here was some more great vibes from this awsome noir like series a fun detective on the job of the case with some nice black and white visuals and a good story here I look forward to this seies as you bring on some nice elements

Make more


Hmm ok

Dang well that was super short the animation of the 3-5 seconds of it anyways the art was nice and the music seemed to fit very well, so my advice is you have something good here I could see some added scenes maybe even a small story added in there but anyways nice work.

more content more scenes


Very nice

So this was pretty nice here the animation was nice and the art style was great, the film was good seemed a bit short maybe some added content and added scenes but even as it is now its pretty good so nice job here I like the animation it was entertaining even.

as mentioned above


A clay experience

A great clay film you have here the blood looked cool this was a dark one but really good no changes on this one but making more of these would be awsome, A cool clay movie here, these kinds of movies are really unique because you dont see much of them these days but they are a nifty bunch of movie styles here very unique, and the animation of it is notbad at all and you bring a small story here with this one aswell.

no changes on this one but making more of these would be awsome


dexheartwood responds:

wow thanks a lot for your kind words , I appreciated

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