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((( CUTE )))

Haha ok this was cute and, neat, the "ANIMATION" was really great very smooth and no kips, must be really good on frames per rate, but anyways this was like a "MUSIC VIDEO" and i love the color like the backround worked with withh the strange pulling of the finger hehe anyways nice work indeed...


((( HMMM )))

I like what you did with the "TEXT" and "FONT" for the one frame page, for the results of this flash, could have a better look to it though, it seemed to be something good, anyways better luck next time...


((( VERY GOOD )))

This was very good, other then the sticks it was just about perfect, with great "OPENING MUSIC" and really nice "BACKOUNDS" with great detail and shading, my only thing was that the sticks with great backrounds didnt mix to well but was still a good flash...


((( SHORT )))

Seems ait short maybe like 10 seconds long if even that but, it was still funny, the little "GREEN" character was great and funny, abit hard to understand waht he was saying, as for the "FLASH" it was good but needs more content and stuff...


((( NOTBAD )))

This was cool, notbad at all, and as a "TEASER" it was just right giving the viewer just abit of info on what to expect on a full version and what not, the "CHARACTERS" monkey like ones look ok, but maybe chage one from the other so they are not so the same from eachother, nice teaser though...


((( CUTE )))

This was a very short but cute flash, didnt make much sense but was funny so it had its good moments and all, anyways the "FISH" looked good with interesting colors used, i do like the shades of colors and the backrounds cameout ok, this flash could have been much better though, and it also needs a "STOP-ACTION-CODE" as it loops over and over, anyways funny random flash keep up the great work...


((( OK )))

That was funny, but kinda ruined the mood f it all, it was a good "FLOW" of animating with the Butterfly and how one does, maybe abit more "FLICKERING" here and there. but overall was a good little animation except i didnt like the ending much...


((( FUNNY )))

Ok this was funny, and sonewhat entertaining, i thought i heard some sounds, or music, which is good cause these dont normaly have that, but anyways, funny and entertaining, takes a brave person to dance on camera like that haha, nice job...


ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:


((( OK )))

This was ok, but could have been abit longer with more "CONTENT" and more to it, as for the "MUSIC" i really liked it, it was entertaining and kept the film entertaining, but the only problem was that the flash itself was just to short, nice cute flash though...


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