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((( HAHA )))

Haha ok this was funny, some ok looking "ARTWORK" like when the big dino is stomping on everything and stuff, it really felt like a trailer because it showed small clips of waht to expect so notbad at that and its keeps me interested in what the full version may contain...


((( HEH )))

Haha ok notbad, it was very short though, but i do understand what you were trying to do, and not showing violence and going to a "BLACK SCREEN" was perfect hehe, but it could be better and longer like more "TV CLIPS" or something nice short though...


((( WOW )))

Wow not only did this have a good meaning behund it but it had good "ART" aswell as the smooth "ANIMATION" it was very short and would hae liked to see some more of the cool art and smooth animating, it was great though with a good meaning to it...



REally good animating, it ran very smooth, and with the "MUSUC" it seemed to be even better, speaking on the music it was cool and seemed to work well with the content, also love the different viewshots and all, a decent flash indeed, i wish there was more work like this on newgrounds...


notorious responds:

Cool! Thx 4 good and informative review :D

((( STRANGE )))

This one was abit "STRANGE" Odd and strange, some really nice artwork and even better animation, but with the not knowing what was going on it just didnt make much sense, the "AUDIO" was odd aswell but fits with the strangeness of it all, anyways ok flash, just strange, and also needs a "STOP-ACTION" code with propper play and replay buttons...


((( HAHA )))

Haha ok that was funny, when he came through the "HALLWAY" and they started laughing and he didnt get up i was like hahaha and couldnt stop laughing so notbad at all, the second scene didnt make much sense but still a funny flash, so nice work...


((( HEH )))

Ok that was somewhat funny, it was very short and lacked in some backrounds, the "SOUND" was great though, just add more to it and more color and it will be improved, it did make me laugh though...


Lyon85 responds:

Thanks for the response, im glad you found it humorous, any kind of emotion I can stir is a score as far as im concerned. Check by some time for my next flash :)

((( NOTBAD )))

Notbad, the filesize was really good for the flash itself, as for the "VOICES' they were decent, abit static on the mic but still ok, as for the "FLASH" it was decent and funny, i hope to see more soon...


((( HAHA )))

Haha ok this one made me laugh, maybe make it abit longer and maybe more clips like more "MISHAPS" or something, the luigi vomiting was funny though haha, anyways good cartoon with some funny humor keep it up...


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