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((( NOTBAD )))

Well notbad abit on the short side but still sorta funny, the "ARTWORK" was not all that bad, this flash could have more to it like more story the end results was funny just needs more to it, good "VOICES" really fit the characters...


((( HAHA )))

Ok this was just odd, and boy was this short, i didnt really understand it much but it did give me a chuckle or two, the good thing was that the can of sda looked realistic, anyways notbad it was interesting...



This was so-so, as it lacked in a few things, one being "BETTER SOUND" it was hard to hear what was being said, maybe some subtitles could help with that, it was also very "RANDOM" which is probably what you were going for and in that case it was just silly and odd, does need abit more effort and such, but for the most part it was entertaining...


((( COOL )))

Hey im not to into sprites these days, but i have to admit that this was good, and not just because im a fan of "STARWARS" but because the sorites were larger and more neat looking, and the "SOUNDS" were great, the sprite film was abit short and would have been better with
a story of some sort but it was great as it was....


((( NEEDS MORE )))

Hmm this was funny, and it does remind me of all the times people msg me on "MSN" or other mesngers but as for the flash thats all he was saying while wiggling his finger back and
fourth, might be better with more scenes to it, but was somewhat funny....


((( VERY SHORT )))

This was neat, but very short, and could have been much longer with maybe even other shorts, maybe have a "MENU" screen with lots of shorts, just seems like a waste if its that short in one flash, notbad though didnt make much sense, could be improved if used in some sorta story though...


((( NEEDS MORE )))

Ok this was so-so, notbad but needs more, like more "EFFECTS" the B&W style of it all is good but some color could improve it, the "SOUNDS" could be better i thought i heard a voice but there could be some music or more Sound/FX, notbad stuff though...


((( NOTBAD )))

OK notbad, and as for a stick flash it was ok, lots of odd and random hapenings, great effects shows good detail and also your skills at flash, eventhough it was a stick flash it had its moments, the ending was abit different but still entertaining so notbad work, only other thing that could be worked on would be the filesize its not that bad but could be better for those 56k users such as myself, anyways good work on the flash, hope to see more in the near future


ZT responds:

Alrighty, thanks for the review and critic :)

<3 ZT


Cool this was neat, and for a sprite flash not half bad, i like how it had story, like some other sprite movies are just one scene and all but this was more so nice work on that, as for sprites nice not my thing but the music really flowed well with the content so nice work, maybe lower the file size abit, anyways nice work keep it up...


((( NEEDS MORE )))

This was sorta funny, and somewhat entertaining, the "CARTOON" portion of the flas was ok but could be improved with more to it like like better designed characters, more quality voices, and longer story scenes, but it was notbad...


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