Awsome piece here
I am really greatfull that the portal can bring good quality even with lots of silly-ness throughoutm so its always nice to see stuff like this one, this here is some good quality and some fun entertainment so props to you on this movie entry. You have really gone beyond the direction and talent of a normal creator you bring all elements, the sound was not so bad, the character and animation was really good, and I love the story theme here. So Overall My Prospective on this is that it is something differant and nifty. and I Endorse this fully with a pleasent insight as it was kinda neat, You built Momentum around it and Enhanced it with some positives, I hope you Produce more Visionary styles like this Now ofcourse there was a few instances that could be better but besides that I enjoyed it.
Improvments yeah this is that area where I suggest some helpful tips thats ofcourse if I have found any, but there is always room for improvment in all stuff right? Anyways the onlything I found here would to be is make the "FONT-SIZE" of the subtitles a but larger they were very small and hard to read as fast as it was going.