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Nice job

Well this was a nice film you have here I really like the idea of this and you really presented a really nice direction and how this all plays out I really love what you have done here on this one so nice job as for your first real film here you have done well and I was amazed with this from start to finish and do hope you make more like this such as more ideas could come from this a nice film indeed

No changes needed here it's a great submission



So this was cool I really like the fun narrative on this film you really did outdo yourself with these elements and such on this a good film indeed with a quirky element the narrative was my fave part anyways nice job here

Make more narrative styles like this soon



Well this was an interesting piece of film here the intro was nice and you had an interesting choice of music that made this work pretty well I like the effects of this all a fun film for Valentine's anyways nice submission here

I think more effects could be added and this could be even longer


This was cute

You have some imaginitive idea and you put them here on the big screen some nice ideas too some fun film you have here and some entertaining very good stuff and I have had a few chuckles here, but anyways this was great stuff hope you make more soon.

dont see a need for any changes here


Cool lego

This was cool I like what you did there with the microwave and popcorn really good idea a well executed joke here, I do wish this was longer and a few added scenes but it was cool, So growing up as a kid I have always loved lego stuff so this was a pleasure to see some "LEGO-MOVIES" on here and the lego movie you presented is "PRETTY-NIFTY" and while there seems to be a big loading time it was well worth it, I have had fun with the lego action here.

I do wish this was longer and a few added scenes but it was cool


Very nice

So this here was a nice little animation there was some good action the voice work was pretty amazing, you have some nice ideas here and I like the story element aswell as this was pretty good, you should make more to this maybe a series of some sort.

Some subtitles would be nice


Great Lego Flick

Cool lego film here seems like the visual quality was a tad in need of more crisp visuals and some improved music aswell, I would even slow down the animation of the scene aswell, So A nice lego flick you have created here with this one, some really nice elements and scenes that took place on this one you really pushed some ideas too its a "DECENT-MOVIE-FLICK" you have here and "I-WAS-PRETTY-IMPRESSED" with this style of yours so keep it going and make more lego movies.

the visual quality was a tad in need of more crisp visuals and some improved music aswell, I would even slow down the animation of the scene aswell



wow I have to say this one was pretty entertaining the character alone was cute and on his little adventure fun well till the end lol but regardless it was entertaining so nice job indeed here, you should make more like this very funny and entertaining

some more backround elements would have been nice


waldenanimations responds:

Thank you, I´ll keep that in mind

Lego Mania

Wow you went all out on this love the backround elements and by the way it does snow in texas actaully alot some winters lol, anyways great story here, no major changes here, Im a huge fan of lego stuff so I guess you could say as corny as this sounds this was a "LEGO-MANIA-MOMENT", haha anyways you do have a nice flick here of some nice "LEGO-ACTION" taking place on the big screen, I wish there was more stuff like this as these are pretty entertaining.

no major changes here


Wow nice

Wow I have to say that this was pretty good you have some nice artwork in this I love how you started this one off with the outlook into the distantance the characters are nice and very artistic the different scenes are nice in this and you really make a nice visual here the music comes into play and makes a nice setting.

A fun film no changes needed it was a fantastic flick here, I do hope you make more like this soon.


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