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Well I have to admit that this here was pretty entertaining the voices were ok but seemed too loud by the mic or something, but for what it is this was actually pretty entertaining and I had some chuckles with this one so props to you on an entertaining animation.

the audio could be cleaned up


Fun submission

Starts off slow but about 10 seconds in it takes flight with some high action from the birds or chickens lol some awsome scenes would have been nice with some added dialog, But anyways it was a decent movie hope to see some changes for the better and even see this get even more popular then it already is, And there was alot in this which I really liked this did have a ritzy feel, But does need a turbo charge touch up here and there, maybe even make it cutting edge, But just an idea or two can go a long way, but regardless this was a decent submission.

some awsome scenes would have been nice with some added dialog


Haha very nice

So this mario world themed film was nice it was like a music video with all the clips and different scenes and that song was a good fit too onlything I would add on might be some subtitles to all the happenings going on, There are some things that could be worked on in order for it to be even better dont get me wrong its pretty good as is, Alright so this was pretty good and I really like how you presented this There was some nifty scenes and what not, But mostly you have a nifty and unique submission here so I cant wait to see how the rest comes out and hope you keep making stuff like this, You have an extraordinary film entry, And I am officially a new fan of this style and your work.

onlything I would add on might be some subtitles to all the happenings going on


snailpirate responds:

yes finally, we get our very own wayne review

Great stuff

So I have to say you really have a good series here some really funny characters and some entertaining scenes the story is good and the fact its under water is nice love the voice work aswell, so nice job indeed no changes just make more untill then great efforts.

no changes just make more



So here is the full version still wish there was more dialog with the characters but I do have to say that the visuals and view points are amazing especially with lighting and distance views so really nice work you have outdone yourself here on this submission.

its a masterpiece so no changes are needed


Really nice

So this was some really nice animation with the animation itself the character design and just how it flows along wish there was more dialog and communication among elements but overall this was some nice work, a great submission if I do say so myself.

wish there was more dialog and communication



So this was amusing made me chuckle also love the black and white tones on this I do believe with some added subtitles it would be a nice plus to this but I liked your lil toon here it was entertaining and amusing so please do keep up the good work.

I do believe with some added subtitles it would be a nice plus



This was funny and kind of short but I do like it so nice job indeed the lil character and what I think is wario was cute, you have some fun films and this was right up there wouldnt mind some more like this like in a series of sorts anyways fun stuff.

could be a tad longer


I like it

So this was cool And I like all the different scenes from lighting to black and white a nice video here it even reminds me of a music video here as it was some solid work I really like what you have done here and hope you make more like this so keep at it

none needed.


Haha nice

Wow seeing toad up there in a star role was nice it was a fun mario themed movie love the dark gradient feel, seems like you could do more of these like in a series, I really enjoyed this movie and all that you have presented here, there was alot to see and it was overall fun so great job all around below I have left a few ideas that may help to improve on this film, You have raised the bar on this submission You do have some nice submission work here and some nice visuals all around and I really got a kick out of this whole piece, So nice effort there.

seems like you could do more of these like in a series


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