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A very entertaining music video

Really good song here My take is if you added subtitles for the words it would make it even more fun allthough you did have some words in there but anyways, Well I have to say that this one here was A very entertaining music video and you have some good style about it a really nice work of art for a movie great film here with the music video elements would love to see people do more stuff like this one.

My take is if you added subtitles for the words it would make it even more fun allthough you did have some words in there but anyways



Well I have to say this one was pretty entertaining the visuals and different scenes are pretty entertaining great voices in this not sure if it was pre made voices or yours but was still pretty good voice work, a funny video indeed I hope to see more

none needed


What an entertaining music video

First of all the color is amazing and the fresh like art and characters the music was nice too, Now I dont get to see much of these at times but What an entertaining music video you have created here and have showcased it well with some interesting scenes and points, I was pretty impressed with it from start to finish you braught out the best in this.

doesnt need any


Very nice

So first of all I love the view shots of this from black and whitw to the yellowsih added colored characters, the voices are amazing I may suggest some added subtitles for some added element to the film, So here we have something differant and with everything going on you really bring out the quality and flavor in this one, So I am loving the unique style and it still brings some entertainment value and that was all a plus, Wow it's not often that you stumble across a flick that's so intriging like this one you have here this really makes me want to go back and think and check this one out once again and watch it a few times to catch every little detail.

the voices are amazing I may suggest some added subtitles for some added element to the film


It was cute

so this was pretty funny and entertaining kind of short though seems like you could get more out of it with some added clips and longer and such, but overall this is pretty entertaining and hope you guys make more theres some funny stuff here.

as suggested.


Tiltro responds:

Thanks for your feedback pal, I really appreciate it when someone makes a genuine review with genuine criticism.Also I’m glad you liked it.

Great animation here

Now this was great work some added subtitles would be really nice for a film like this, I must say it was a pleasure watching your movie submission it was entertaining and Lastly I think the submission Is fairly good, This is awesome I probably only like it because I'm such a huge fan of these types of movies When you combine all the stuff Thats in here you get good results and you have done just that, I had a big smile on my face the whole time throughout this submission, So keep at it and suprise us with even more great movies.

some added subtitles would be really nice for a film like this, could even be a tad longer


Well that was quick

That was a quick little video now dont get me wrong it was pretty intense with some stylish effects great character too the effects are intense though, but besides all that there is no need for any changes as it was solid work but could be longer.

as suggested could be longer


Nice animation

So here was a nice animation the art style is nice like frmae by frame style but more smooth the character voices and characters themself are nice and quirky too a great combonation here, would love a couple of things more details in the backrounds and some subtitles, anyways great stuff.

would love a couple of things more details in the backrounds and some subtitles


Very nice visuals

Well this was very nice work and some great efforts the visuals are beyond awsome you really make it jump and the colors are spot on so very welldone there and this film does not need any changes first of all its a masterpiece of visuasl so awsome job here.

no changes needed its an awsome film.



So thi swas funny the narrating was pretty good really great voice work my onlything to ad to this film would be along with the great voice work adding some subtitles would be a huge plus on things, but besides all that this was pretty good so nice job indeed.

my onlything to ad to this film would be along with the great voice work adding some subtitles would be a huge plus on things


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