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Cool stuff

I have to say this was pretty pleasant the flow of animation really deserves more credit and the music plays a good role here and has some nice quality about it. The content is nice and overall this was a nice little flick.



I always find these types entertaining and fast paced but are short but still some good stuff here, Now this is a film I can really enjoy and get into, once again I must say that was a pretty good entry something differant with some interesting ideas executed from start to finish, I have enjoyed your work here today and hope to see more of it in the comming future.



Well this was notbad I like the madness element of it all, there was no soudn maybe adding in some music would be a plus on this, you have some nice idea in the flick just needs to be much longer more scenes and just some added content, anyways nice job.


Geekster1984 responds:

Thanks! FYI i no longer suck. May remake it this day of pico.

Good action

So this was notbad at all some nice animation in this whole flick the voices and sound/FX are really good but most of all some intense action scenes come alive so really some nice work here, for sure hope you guys make more like this one I enjoyed the content.


MysticSkillz responds:

Thanks for the sneak peek review. Here's the full movie if you're interested. https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/797520


Seems like this could be in the art portal either that or make it longer some added sound and or music and more scenes and such also could smooth out the animation even more, but will say the art style is nice and you do have something here so keep at it.


quick one

A fast paced toon you have here very vibrant in color and you really make it jump with action the voice work is as always very good just wish you extended this to be longer and such, but overall I had some fun with this one and do look forward to even more.


Good stuff

I enjoy this flick for all the differrent scenes and action scenes but also the unique character work and how well they are animated it was a nice touch on things, This is the one great one film of the day in my eyes ofcourse, Quite frankly this was pretty good I thought it was wonderfully presented, So you keep up the good work a nice entry of a submission you have presented I am looking forward to see what you make next time.


Good work

A nice animation and love the old style feel you give this the characters are nice and well detailed and this was entertaining you sure do know how to produce some interesting submissions here and this one was a pretty nifty one its an interesting movie style that you have created I especially like how well this movie flows along, As for the rest it was all a good film and I really enjoyed what you have presented here.



Not sure who runner girls are but it was a good animation especially of them running and very nice element, I like the smooth animation and different visuals made for a good little work of animation, wish there was more to this though but overall this was good.



This one was rather short but the soundbites are good the animations are notbad and you really make it work with the quick jokes there I like the fusion of packman and mario would have liked it a tad bit longer but was pretty funny regardless anyways nice job.


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