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Wow nice

So this was dark but has a good story going and that music really played well with the scenes and such kind of like a zelda story lol So my Opening Remarks for this fine entry are just that you have done A Wonderfully job on this it shows how you have pushed little elements to make this decent and its even better then just decent its great and fantastic, allthough there are some areas that could be better but im sure you will get to that in due time. There alot of things about this submission, but there was a few instances that showed a good Concept of Visionary again this was a decent submission.

Doesnt need changes


Wow intense

Intense is just an understatment as this was really great stuff the music and all the visuals really play deep with this one the action scenes are nice really great stuff here I have no changes in mind because it was some intense elements here Its hard to get this started off with the right words, so ill just go ahead and say that I have had some fun with this entry, you pushed the efforts, and showed us some interesting things, now ofcourse there were a few issues were things could be better, but overall I thought you did a good job on this one and showed some effort thruout the entry. It was a pleasent movie.

I have no changes in mind because it was some intense elements here


Great stuff

So you make some great stuff and make some nice art pieces simpilistic art style and make for a nice naration as it all comes together so nice job indeed I like these and hope you make more

none needed



Well this started off great the lil characters are very personal and make for a nice design you started off the animation well and made it fun, So I was pretty impressed with all that, anyways great stuff here

make more


Great stuff

So before I dwell into this it was a great animation it could use some subtitles just to enhance the experience of the voices So nice job here I am excitedly reviewing this and hope to review more of your work sometime soon, You came to produce A film of interest I like your style I did find some enjoyment in this except for a few instances, But you have to keep the momentum going, I will just say this that this was not awful infact it was pretty decent it had some odd moments but had some decent moments aswell, But in the end it all made sense and made for an interesting snimation here.

it could use some subtitles just to enhance the experience of the voices


A good animation

so here was a good animation it jumps right into it with action I do think some subtitles would enhance this animation, anyways nice work here love your style of animation here keep at it.

some added subtitles


Nice animation

So this was a nice animation here it was some solid work and great frog like character, onlything for me is that it ended kind of short, but the animation itself was amazing so keep up the great work

would be nice if longer


jcunliffeuk responds:

Thanks for the kind words and feedback Wayne.

A fun toon

So here with this one you have a fun toon very entertaining with the happenings but these characters are funny So The Starting sequence in this is great infact I love how you start this off and finish it with a bang, So I say this has some good heart flavor about it, But overall I found this to be pretty good, Its not all the time that one comes across a movie submission like this one its some what differant but has an exciting feel and touch here, As soon as this started it was something unique and differant ofcourse but thats more on the plus side of things.

too funny to change anything its great as is


Wow amazing

Wow I have to say the simplistic element of this is just pure amazing stuff really no need for changes as its a masterpiece, I think it might be because you didn't try to make it too fancy or anything, just portray it as how it's supposed to be and thats what makes any movie great so good job here, You have devoted good effort to this, Some other things could be discussed and so on for improvments so in my closing remarks you have something good here keep up the good work alright well it was a pleasure to review this one

really no need for changes as its a masterpiece


Nice work

So there was alot going on in this one the stop motion was my fave of this and was well done but I liked all the different elements you put in here, so nice work indeed.



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