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So this was a good one kind of gives off that classic toon feel and I believe thats was your intent a fun filled flick here, Now this is something I can seek my teeth into now while these types are not always the greatest or flashiest they bring something to the table and you really dealt it today, but regardless this was some very nice work indeed look forward to even more.



I love the voice work on this just wish they were longer and even much more scenes but this was pretty entertaining, I encourage you to keep making stuff like this any additional detail would be great and now the end is near in my review, But did want to say these are some fun toons and this was an entertaining short that you have created here so nice job indeed on this one.



Well it has one thing going for it and that was it is some good animation and a fun bounce, the music was a really nice touch too, You make some nice detail points with the bounce and flowed very well, As soon as this started it was something unique and differant ofcourse but thats more on the plus side of things, But besides all that it was a cute little animation so nice work.



Well it was pretty entertaining was a tad short though and would have been nice with some more added scenes and whatnot very good stuff though and some nice animation, it was amusing and well nice job on this movie submission, Keep at it and keep making fun films like this in the future, but regardless I did find this to be pretty entertaining so keep up the good animations.


KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thanks for the review and for watching! I do want to do longer animation in the future, that's for sure. I'm glad you found it fun though! ^_^

Yay Donald

Well you cant go wrong with donald it was some really nice animation especially sleeping and movments, would have been nice if it was a tad longer other happenings going on through the night, you did an awsome job on this entry you didn't try to make it too fancy or anything, just portray it as how it's supposed to be and thats what makes any movie great so good job.



This was a good one I love the action scenes in this and some nice music too good character and like how it was intense, I just hope to see more movie works like this from you soon but anyways untill then keep up the decent and unique work, Its filsm like this that make me enjoy it even more love the effort you pushed in making multple scenes to give it that full effect.


Very nice

I especially love the red element and the comic style stuff here a good character detail too so nice work there You cant go wrong with a submission like this one this was nice work and just has some nice visuals but You presented something pretty good I say this has some good heart flavor about it and really has some nice details a fun film indeed here.



This was a tad short but still pretty colorful I love all the detail and color in this Now this is something I can seek my teeth into now while these types are not always the greatest or flashiest they bring something to the table and you really dealt it today


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