Well glad to see you had made another series here the humor is there the fun characters you have made some good stuff here and this toon was pretty good and do hope you make more of these types even if just shorts
Well glad to see you had made another series here the humor is there the fun characters you have made some good stuff here and this toon was pretty good and do hope you make more of these types even if just shorts
Nice short
8 guess you had made more of these this was pretty entertaining and love the characters and some added humor too all some fun stuff
Haha nice
And some nice film here or trailer i would say you have a nice way of presenting the toons and action i found it pretty entertaining stuff so nice trailer
So this was notbad i like it and you have a good idea here some really nice moments and the graphics are notbad at all so nice film here i look forward to even more
Well i have to say this was notbad not sure i have seen these before but will say this was notbad at all a good film indeed anyways nice work
Well here was something nice and you cant go wrong with clocks they been storming the portal for a long time and i enjoyed this submission wish more people made more stuff such as this one i was highly entertained here but regardless you have done a magnificent creation on this flick submission
Nice flick
Well this here was a good little flick with some decent entertaining value i like your style also like the use of the color here really nice work
Well this flick was yet a short but you kept it short and it was pretty good and i had somw fun with this film so nice job indeed i like it so keep at it
Wow nice
Now this was really good the idea of it was pretty good as tye title even says and the graphics was nice and smooth all seemed to play out very well i was pretty impressed with this film as a whole really good stuff here
So this one here was pretty colorfull a fresh film with some decent art and graphics i like the colorfull elements here and hope you keep that up
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