
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.


whoooa watchout for the big giant purple bunny or whatever it is, yikes he was one big dude, should prob work on the voice's, better luck next time...

Oh god

man not expecting that that was sick aaaaaaaa, whoa cancel my doctors apointment NOW, the art was great, and loved the game whille waiting for the film, wow still amazed at this great work, keep it up...


very well done on the artwork and the nice animation, only looks like a trailer but i still gave you a decent score for the rest, cant wait for more, great job...


maybe your putting them out to fast cause the 1st was crazy mad funny aswas the2nd, the 3rd still funny and still phat, but the 4th was kinda odd and getting less funny, dont get me wrong i love them all, just maybe its to much at once, think of some better stories though, anyways good job...

C R A P in a good way

hhaha craped my shorts i did, hehhe that was very funny so far the best of the 3 ill check out #4 next, keep em coming...

the good ol silent days

heheh that was a good try at it though, should of added more up and down lines to give it more of an effect, but good job anyways, the music was just right, would love to see more like this...

Oh joxa why o why

you are an eveil girl/bor, it seemed that you put alot of work into it but like the last reviewer said a waste of time, any time spent on a clock is wasted, as for your film, it seemed you put some work into it, great gather of the clocks, sorry for bad score its not you its the clocks that did it, well untill next time, keep up the good work...

Joxa responds:

im male. I did put lots of work into that. why is it a waste of time if it is a clock? Clocks r NG users just like u and i. well at least ur wernt "this is gay clocks r gay u r gay go fuck ur mam" type person i respect that. thx:D

didnt see the humor

if there was any, didnt see the point of it and dont know why the score is up ohwell, who knows what this is...

cool another

liked the first i think.... this one is funny, my advice whic is only mine doesnt mean you have to take it>>> make the tieles with part 1, 2, 3 etc.. the whole date thing is kinda odd, but loved the film, great job...

rvyn responds:

In regards to the date, let me reemphasize that this is as much a journal entry as much as it is an animated comic. In the future, if/when I get into the groove of doing this series, I may do episode numbers, but for now, the date scheme stays. Thanks for the review.

~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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2y 6m 15d