((( LOL )))
Ok now that was just plain funny, didnt expext that so soon heheh, the audio should be a tad louder though, heheh thanks for the laugh...
((( LOL )))
Ok now that was just plain funny, didnt expext that so soon heheh, the audio should be a tad louder though, heheh thanks for the laugh...
((( HUH )))
Hey didnt you resubmit this or somthing, i think i have seen this atleast two other times, ohwell it has nice artwork, but some advice fix that preloader or make a new one, if you have skills like this then im sure you could make one easy...
((( NICE )))
Nice film, im not sure but this might be my first review to you, you also review alot i knew i saw you someplace, anyways great work you have mad skillz, love the black n white, it was different and just a overall great film...
you only gave me 6, but since I know that you are one of the more critical reviewers, I'm glad to see that you like it!
((( LOL FUNNY )))
Not bad at all, made me laugh, hahaha dont forget the idots who just love to say stfu with some stupid pic, lol that always cracks me up, or the people who think there work is so good that it belongs in a series section or somthing, lol, anyways great job, hope to see part two soon...
((( NICE WORK )))
ok very nice artwork, love the fact that its in B/W, it came out very well, great story, but once again the artwork was simply the best...
((( HMMMMM )))
Ok here we go again with anotther skeboarder film, its actually not that bad, it had some 3d effects there were kinda nice, needs some sound-FX and also maybe some decent music...
Hmmm ok abit kirbyish and bizarr backrounds, so-so music video, but like the kirby entrence, it was a tad funny, not bad though...
((( HEH )))
not bad at all, i like how it was well animated, and the drunk dude was welldone as well, the story was decent, could have been better though, and this needs sound, would have been alot better with some sound...
((( HANDBAGS )))
HMMmmmmm ok well i have seen many dressups around here, this was not good, but not bad, i gave you some decent points cause you had music in it, and most dress-ups dont, great job though, i made a few different ones, needs more options...
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