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((( HMMMM )))

Well kinda odd, different art, story was abit off of classic mark,, but as a big fan of CM, this is almost a letdown of the type of work mark does, its good but mark has a certain flavor when making movies, allthough the art seemed abit more artistic, the story was abit dry, and the film itself seemed abit unfinished, still notbad, kinda huge file size though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Not com but still abit of mark-ish...


((( LOL )))

Ha that was kinda different, i thaught the signfeild thing was good, and the voices for the other guy was well done, very clear and with great emotion, the character looked good too, notbad work, hope to see more soon...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Different, but funny...


((( HAHAHA )))

Them crazy critters are everywhere, you have outdone yourself once again, and i like the scary feel you braught to the table with the cabin fever music, and just the whole feel made it that much, better, good scenes with the shower thing, and the couch heheh, great music, just loved it...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Another classic from, Violet-AIM...


Violet-AIM responds:

Thanks for the nice review XwaynecoltX. I thought cabin fever had really creepy sounding music, which was great for this.

((( HEH )))

Ok well another classic from the top uploader, lol, man knox aint got nothing on you, that was funny smooth and had me going, the clay looked so good, and the cam was clear, really good work again...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: The top uploader does it again and again and again...


((( COOL IDEA )))

Hey that was a really cool idea, might want to change the title cause it might be hard to understand, but from what i saw the sticks looked good with decent amount of detail, and the animation seemed to go well with the characters, i wouldnt mind seeing more of this soon, nice work, keep it up...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Great idea, decent animation...


((( UNIQUE )))

Hey this is a very unique tutorial that no other has made into flash, and for that i give you my 10's, great job, might want to add more into this with more advanced sections...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Unique tutorial...


((( LOL )))

Ahh part 3 cool cool, you make them so fast, heh i liked this one, good blood from the eyes, and good line with bannana lol, keep on flashing to the top...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Ep 3, good detail...


((( LOL )))

Hey this one was funny, the art could really use some cleaning up, but yes it was funny and made me chuckle, work on the characters with more detail and sharrpen up the curves abit, the one costume with the tootoo was funny as hell, really funny, keep it going...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Made more for the humor...


((( DECENT )))

Hey notbad, it was good smooth animation, but like others have said this would be great with some music, or voiceing, the audio portal has a number of great audio submissions to use, and i use em all the time so might want to take a look, anyways decent animation...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Smooth animation, and kinda funny...


((( HAHA )))

Cool cool, that was decent, i like the house that anti clock lived in, with a sword in the roof, that was great, this is prob the best clock movie of em all heheh, anyways good job, on showing what the clocks are hehe...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Fun, and entertaining...


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