
20,788 Movie Reviews

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((( HEH )))

Heh, thease are cool, and they do need some work, like they need to be longer with more plot and story, i like the style of art, but they are just so short, and dont forget to reply to reviews, you will make alot of fans if you reply to them...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Different style art, lacks story...


Livecorpse responds:

Well, i try to respond to most reviews. There are many sometimes. Personally im not a big fan of artists who care nothing about the fans and use NG as a free advertising plug to sell their crap.
I mean, i take into consideration the advice. So far it has proved most helpful. Im kinda toning the offensive stuff down, it doesnt do much but show my immaturity. PLus maybe itll keep me from getting sniped by an angry "fan"., someday (note, please kill me in one shot if ur gonna do it)
Dude you got more reviews than anyone, and its good advice too, so keep goin man.
The animation could use work. As far as length.. well personally i dont like movies that drag on forever. Same concept gets boring quickly. But hey. Maybe some day i'll crap out a masterpiece for ng. who knows.
Rock on Waynecolt

((( HEH )))

Ok well maybe a reviewer did give you a crapy review, but are any of us anybetter if we make a movie about it thats somthing to think about, and as for the drawings, very cool, i liked the pencil like style, i just senced lots of hate it the creation of this, but still good drawings...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Good drawings, but with hate in mind...


((( LOL )))

Heh cute, kinda short, but along with the music, it seemed to all go well together, the music really drove the film, and the sprite vacume was interesting, to make this better it should be longer and probably have some blood, nice job though...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Heh cute, silly and abit scary, all rolled into one....


((( OK )))

I like the idea, the art was ok, and the animation ran ok aswell, but i like the idea it could work for a funny series, i hope to see more of this as it was kinda funny...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Great idea, decent story...


((( HEH )))

Ok that was really short, and for a 2.83 score thats great for that short of a movie, it was quick and to the point, glad it was protected, its rather good, the music was abit soft, but i still caught it, maybe abit longer next time...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A short short space short...


((( COOL )))

Hey that was cool, i like all the fast action, i would say try and lern more animation so that you can have a better outcome, i did see some but more smooth will make it that much better, the music was cool, and really lifted the flash, and all the fast paced action was cool, keep on flashing...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Aliens, cool...


((( HEH OK )))

Why are all your movies so very laggy and choppy, i mean i watch lots of movies, but yours seem to be coppy, and they are all very low kb, and why do you make somany, are you going for some kinda goal or somthing, heh anyways this one was cool, kinda funny, the sound quality could be abit better, but it was a decent film...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Needs more animation...


Livecorpse responds:


(((( LOL )))

Heh that was cute, it has promise, voices could be worked on abit, it was kinda hard to hear, also a good thing about flys are they are hard to kill maybe cause if we try and kill them with a swatter, to them they see that in slow motion, and its just harder to kill them, that would have been somthing to put in your film, anyways it was abit funny, so notbad...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: A fly, and his death...


((( LOL )))

Heh its a pirate heh, he has some animation so thats good, he has some good weapons aswell, heh this was just funny though, dont see toomany pirates hehe, anyways good pirate...

MOVIE COMMENTARY: Aaak its a pirate...


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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