((( AWSOME )))
That was awsome stuff, and only a preview damn, it is gonna be sweet, great overview, and close ups of the characters, cool cars and great items to choose from, cant wait for a full version...
((( AWSOME )))
That was awsome stuff, and only a preview damn, it is gonna be sweet, great overview, and close ups of the characters, cool cars and great items to choose from, cant wait for a full version...
((( HA )))
Ahh another yoshi thingie, i will admitt it was kinda funny, sprites are not as clear as they could be but the actions made me laugh, so notbad, keep at it...
((( OK )))
Well it was ok, the audio needs to be toned down as it gets abit loud and could hurt the ears at times, still good idea and the art was ok, like the characters, just the audio i just dont know...
((( NICE )))
Wow that was awsome graphics, the skills show off verywell, art was awsome great shading and depth of details, dialog text was cool so we can understand overall it was well worth the award...
((( DECENT )))
Hey cool story, the intro was really slow, but the movie itself had some cool qualities like the backround art and stuff, and the music was not bad either, keep up the decent work...
((( COOL )))
ey nice work, ireally love the music it was very meaningfull and set the tone for a balanced movie, it did kinda stop about halfway so you might want to add a loop or somthing good stuff keep it up...
Thank you very much.Music stopped you say?It never happen to me or anyone else im aware of.Hmm,I'll look into it.Thanks for the review.
P.S. Aclockypse,I totally misunderstood what you said and im sorry.I feel like a douche now.
((( OK )))
Hey notbad, very short Saw a few seens then it was over, good character design, and Looks like i saw the barbarion from diablo II, and then the music sounded cool but would have been better if i could hear it since it was really low, nice try at it though just very very short and not enough going on to get me hooked...
((( OK ))) April 23, 2004
Reviewed by: XwaynecoltX Overall rating: 6
Hey notbad, very short Saw a few seens then it was over, good character design, and Looks like i saw the barbarion from diablo II, and then the music sounded cool but would have been better if i could hear it since it was really low, nice try at it though just very very short and not enough going on to get me hooked... ~X~
Notbad, i like the well molded clay, thease clay characters are some of the best on newgrounds, the sound was really low though, maybe add some dialog text or something, cool effects aswell, nice overall job...
((( AWSOME )))
Yo that was awsome great, seemed to run very fast but i just plain out loved it, nice work make more cause the talent really shows nice job...
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