((( DECENT )))
Well notbad not much into the clay, but this was abit different and gave some drama to the story which made it different, so nice work indeed...
((( DECENT )))
Well notbad not much into the clay, but this was abit different and gave some drama to the story which made it different, so nice work indeed...
this was unique, really nice work, thats why i gave you a few 10,s i hope you make more like this, anyways nice work indeed...
((( NICE )))
wow that was awsome, every part of the flash was well dont i was impressed and congrats on the award, i think this was the first i seen of your work but its very amazing, nice work...
You forgot about my previous work? Here are some reviews you gave for my other works, maybe it'll refresh your memory on who I am...
This was a review you wrote for FFVI: The Day Afte - Part 3
((( OK ))) November 22, 2003
Reviewed by: XwaynecoltX Overall Score: 6
Heh one of the few sprite movies i wouldnt mind seeing the rest of, it had a good running time, not to long not to short, just right, story looks good kept me interested, and most important, the sprites and backrounds were very clear and sharp...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A sprite movie, that keeps you interested...
And here's your review for FFVI: The Day After - Part 9...
((( AWSOME ))) March 22, 2004
Reviewed by: XwaynecoltX Overall Score: 7
Hey that was awsome, great story, the fight scenes were far and few in between, great style though lots of detail in each character, just could use more fighting...
And your review for CT: The Escape (Trailer)
((( COOL ))) April 10, 2004
Reviewed by: XwaynecoltX Overall Score: 7
Hey notbad, not much into sprites but it was sharp looking, and the text effects were sweet, also like the preloader you had it had style cool stats, the music was great, and you cut off to blackness just at the right moment to give it a neat movie feel, nice job...
And here's your review for CT The Escape (I forgive you for the low score because I was forced into that duel and had to do an action sequence, something I'm not THAT good at).
((( OK ))) August 22, 2004
Reviewed by: XwaynecoltX Overall Score: 2
So why was it so short, and seems like alot pf people dont like this and thats why you changed it, ohwell better luck next time...
And finally, your review for my first comedy "Robo's Review Commentary"
((( WHAT ABOUT ME ))) April 14, 2004
Reviewed by: XwaynecoltX Overall Score: 10
Aaaak ahh man, ohwell it was funny and that daverz guy is a prick he hides behind a no profile account, i have came accros him a few times, anyways it was funny, i was very impressed with the awsome sprites, i know nothing of sprites but it interests me just abit, very clear and sharp looking and that robot voice was great, maybe more reviews next time, and maybe even one of good ol X ha, anyways nice job...
So you've seen ALOT of my work in the past, X. Hell you are even in the "special thanks" section in this movie. Well thanks for the review. And I'm glad I got Daily 3rd place. There was ALOT of competition that day. I was competing against T0XICBOMB, Knox's parter. But he's a cool guy so I didn't mind that he beat me (even though it was by .02 points lol) ;)
((( COOL )))
Well notbad, alot better the the mini flash works, has more depth of story and lots of style about it, nice job, hope to see more...
((( NICE )))
Well that was very cool, infact it was awsome, you cant get any better then LF/SFB, anyways always with the talented graphics, and smooth animation, its an A+ in my book...
((( NOTBAD )))
And dont get so down on yourself about the voices they were very good, and probably won you that daily 3rd, all around it was a good flash good style, i was very pleased with it...
Well not really into clay but this was well presented, and was not too long or too short, decent scenes and fun with clay so notbad work...
Thank you.
((( OK )))
Well it was cool, it would be alot better with some sorta plot, the fighting was cool, but deeper story is what its all about but this flash was still nice work, anyways congrats on the award...
((( COOL )))
Well notbad, it was decent enough to review, does need more work and some more effort though, it has some detail but could use more effects, anyways nice job, hope to see more soon...
((( HAHA )))
Well notbad, for some reason i did think it was from the game doom, but it was still fun, a nice flash infact it was very entertaining, you should make more on thease lines...
~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002
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Joined on 1/17/01